WoW: Dragonflight’s Best Renown Rewards Revealed (So Far)

The four new factions in World of Warcraft: Dragon Legion all reward players’ reputations as they grow, and some of them are pretty awesome, even across the board.

one of many changes World of Warcraft: Dragon Legion What’s being rolled out is a shift from the Reputation Track to a new Reputation system that offers players some great rewards. Known for four new factions dragon family will be a more rewarding gameplay and allow multiple factions to be upgraded at the same time. Unlike the original reputation method that has existed since the beginning OHThis new Renown system is designed in a way that is less of a torture and more like a satisfying process in the standard game.

reputation system in World of Warcraft: Dragon Legion Improve your reputation by giving rewards to players more often, although not all of these rewards are equally desirable. Some can be great full account unlocks, while others can be more of a game version of a join bonus to get players excited. For each faction, the path to hidden endgame content is locked at prestige levels, and players will find some very coveted rewards along the way.

Best Reputation Reward per WoW: Dragonflight faction

World of Warcraft Dragon Legion Azure Span Capital screenshot

Reputation rewards will include everything from special quest lines, patterns and recipes to transformations, pet unlocking, and even unlocking special mounts. Each faction offers different levels of Drakewatcher manuscripts, including customizing Dragonriding mounts. Players can unlock the following content from each faction as their reputation increases.

WoW Dragonflight Tuskarr NPC

Iskra Tuskarr

Fishing nets and harpoons

Modified fishing gear dragon family career system

barn keeper training

Backswimmer Timbertooth and Whiskuk battle pet (full account unlocked)

Tuskarr & Gnoll Backpack

Tuskarr and gnoll themed backpack cape switch (full account unlocked)

magic sled

Toys that allow players to ski (full account unlocked)

Otuks Reconnaissance and War the Otuks

Cute otter mount (full account unlocked)

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2 Maruuk Centaur face off in WoW Dragonflight

Sagittarius Maruk

Sagittarius furniture

Toys that look like centaurs and lots of home furnishings (full account unlocked)

the call of the hunt

Allows players to participate in Grand Hunts with Maruuk Centaur (full account unlocked)

Sagittarius’ Companion

Hoofhelper battlepet (unlock the whole account)

replacement nails

Unlocks a quest line that will eventually grant the player a mount controlled by Lizi (unlocks all accounts)

The approval of the wind

Earn Khansguard title (unlock entire account)

valdrakken protocol wow dragon army

Valdraken Agreement

garden tools

Garden-themed weapon switching (full account unlocked)

aerial challenge

Unlock Dragonriding World Quest in Dragon Isles

dragon weapon

Transform dragon-themed decorative weapons so players can celebrate World of Warcraft: Dragon Legion with dragons

rescue the cubs

Crimson Proto-Whelp and Magic Nibbler Battle Pets (full account unlocked)

Valdraken Fashion

One of the many transformation themes offered by the Valdrakken Accord, this theme is a civilian theme (full account unlocked)

Dragon Scales Expedition Wow Dragon Legion

Dragon Scales Crusade

buried treasure

Allows player to interact with Disturbed Dirt around Dragon Isles to discover treasures (full account unlocked)

climbing expedition

Unlock climbing challenges and world quests

animal expert

Gray Marmoni and Black Skitterbug pet battle (full account unlocked)

comfortable study

Various cushion toys (full account unlock)


Unlocks purchases of Azure Skitterfly and tame Skitterfly mounts, and has the ability to steal Verdant Skitterfly mounts from Expedition Scout bundles (full account unlocked)

Each faction tends to specialize in certain themes of the quest line and earn rewards that match those themes. Many rewards are templates, recipes and designs for crafting or ways to open new quests. With the new reputation system, World of Warcraft: Dragon Legion As players progress through the overall story of each faction and region, it becomes more interesting to see the harvest and rewards and reach the amazing end goal.

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