World’s 11 Safest Countries to Visit in 2023: Check Complete List Here!

Safest Countries to Visit in 2023: During travels, few considerations outweigh the paramount importance of personal safety. Travelers always check firsthand whether the place they are traveling to is the Safest Country to Visit or not.

Into the picture comes the Global Peace Index, an annual evaluation conducted by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP).

Several countries in this list are not only the safest countries in the world in 2023, but they are also beautiful, which makes trips to these countries even more amazing. From picturesque Iceland to bustling Canada, each country has its own culture and tradition along with beautiful places to visit.

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World’s Safest Countries to Visit in 2023

Here is the Complete List:

1. Iceland

Iceland, for the past decade, has consistently held the title of the world’s safest travel destination. With a score of 1.124 on the latest 2023 Global Peace Index, Iceland’s enviable position is further bolstered by its scarcity of natural disasters and robust policies advocating gender equality. Moreover, Iceland’s breathtaking natural landscapes, featuring glaciers, hot springs, and waterfalls, add to its allure which makes it a good country to visit.

2. Denmark

World’s 11 Safest Countries to Visit in 2023: Check Complete List Here!

There are several factors that make Denmark a safe country to visit.

  • It has a low crime rate. In 2018, only 127 homicides were reported in Denmark, which is a remarkably low number.
  • Denmark has a robust economy and welfare system, which helps to reduce inequality and social unrest.
  • It is a small country with a relatively homogeneous population, which makes it easier to maintain law and order. All of these factors make Denmark a safe haven for its citizens.

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World’s 11 Safest Countries to Visit in 2023: Check Complete List Here!

Ireland remains the third safest country in the world, as it achieved this position in 2022 and has maintained it in the latest version of the Global Peace Index. So what exactly makes Ireland so safe? 

  • The country has a low murder rate. In 2018, there were just 33 murders in all of Ireland. That’s less than one per 100,000 people, which is well below the global average.
  • Ireland also has a low rate of violent crime. In fact, according to Eurostat, it had the second lowest rate of violent crime in the European Union in 2017.
  • In addition to being one of the safest countries in terms of crime, Ireland is also largely free of conflict and terrorism. Despite Ireland’s troubled history, there have been no major terrorist incidents in recent years.
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4. New Zealand

World’s 11 Safest Countries to Visit in 2023: Check Complete List Here!

New Zealand is often praised as one of the safest countries in the world. Many factors contribute to the safety of traveling in New Zealand.

  • It has a relatively small population and a low crime rate. Furthermore, the government is stable and there’s little political unrest within the country.
  • New Zealand is also rated as one of the world’s freest countries. New Zealand is extremely safe from external threats, such as war, due to its isolated location in the southwest Pacific Ocean.
  • In terms of natural disasters, there are strict building codes in place to help protect against earthquake damage. Most New Zealanders are well prepared for any potential disasters.

5. Austria

World’s 11 Safest Countries to Visit in 2023: Check Complete List Here!

Austria is ranked the fifth safest country in the world, and the third safest out of the EU 27 countries.

  • It has a low crime rate. There are few violent crimes and property crimes are relatively rare. This makes Austria a very safe place to travel.
  • The Austrian economy is strong. There’s less crime overall because people are less likely to turn to criminal activity when they have a stable income.

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6. Singapore

World’s 11 Safest Countries to Visit in 2023: Check Complete List Here!

Singapore ascends from ninth to sixth place in the 2023 rankings, emerging as Asia’s safest country. This safety index ranking is attributed to stringent law enforcement, zero-tolerance policies toward crime, a robust police force, strict gun control laws, and a culture of respect for authority and orderliness, all of which cultivate an environment of safety.

7. Portugal

World’s 11 Safest Countries to Visit in 2023: Check Complete List Here!

Portugal is popular for its stunning scenery, Mediterranean climate, and laid-back vibes. But in recent years, Portugal has also been receiving attention for another reason: its safety.

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Portugal has a  low level of income inequality. In Portugal, the wealthiest 20% of households earn just 7.5 times more than the poorest 20%. This compares favorably to other developed countries like the United States, where the richest 20% earn nearly 12 times more than the poorest 20%. Income inequality has always been linked with higher levels of crime and violence, so Portugal’s relatively equal distribution of wealth has helped to explain its low crime rate.

8. Slovenia

World’s 11 Safest Countries to Visit in 2023: Check Complete List Here!

Slovenia is a small, almost landlocked country in Central Europe with a population of just over 2 million people. It has a short coastline along the Adriatic Sea, between Italy and Croatia. Several factors contribute to Slovenia’s safety ranking:

  • The low level of crime and the rate of petty crime – such as theft and vandalism is low.
  • Another factor contributing to Slovenia’s high safety ranking is its high level of political stability. It currently has a center-left government, the Freedom Movement (GS). Slovenia has been a member of the European Union since 2004.
  • Slovenia also benefits from its location. Nestled between Austria, Hungary, Croatia, and Italy, it’s far away from any areas of conflict or unrest.

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9. Japan

World’s 11 Safest Countries to Visit in 2023: Check Complete List Here!

Japan has improved by one position from last year’s ranking. The reasons behind Japan’s safety are:

  • it has a very low crime rate. People have even heard stories about people dropping their wallets on the street, only to have them quickly returned by a friendly passer-by.
  • In 2019, there were only 2.3 murders per 100,000 people in Japan, compared to 5 per 100,000 people in the United States.
  • Japan also has strict gun control laws that make it difficult for criminals to obtain firearms.
  • The Japanese government has invested heavily in security measures such as CCTV cameras and metal detectors, which help to deter crime. 
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10. Switzerland

World’s 11 Safest Countries to Visit in 2023: Check Complete List Here!

Switzerland is called the heaven on earth for its scenic beauty and travelers visit the country all year round.

  • Switzerland’s long-standing neutrality is a key factor in keeping the country safe. The country hasn’t been involved in a war since 1815, and this has helped it avoid much of the violence and turmoil that other nations have experienced.
  • It is also known for its stance on guns. Although the country has one of the world’s highest rates of gun ownership, it also has an extremely low rate of gun-related street crime or mass shootings. Guns in Switzerland are far more tightly regulated than most people think. And that’s why it is the best country to travel to and enjoy your leisurely time in peace.

11. Canada

World’s 11 Safest Countries to Visit in 2023: Check Complete List Here!

Canada ranked 11th this year, a testament to its low crime rates, stable political climate, and well-functioning social systems.

  • A factor contributing to Canada’s safety is its commitment to multiculturalism. The nation embraces diversity, fostering a sense of unity and tolerance among its citizens. This has led to a state of harmonious coexistence among people from various backgrounds, minimizing the likelihood of conflicts and social unrest.
  • The Canadian police force is generally well-resourced and focused on community engagement, ensuring that crimes are prevented and swiftly dealt with when they do occur.


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