Who is Dick Van Dyke’s wife? Meet Arlene and read her comments about the age difference

Dick Van Dyke recently celebrated his 98th birthday and his life and career will be celebrated in a new CBS television special!

Dick Van Dyke: 98 years of magic will air at 9pm on CBS on Thursday (December 21) and is sure to be a special worth watching.

All eyes will be on Dick all night long and we bet his wife Arlene Silver will make an appearance.

Let’s tell you about their relationship!

Keep reading to know more…

The marriage met in SAG Awards in 2006 when she was working as a makeup artist. They got married in 2012 and have been together ever since!

“I remember seeing Dick at the catering table with his bow tie and his big smile. Just when I sat down, he was sitting next to me. He said, “Hello, I’m Dick.” The first thing I asked him was, ‘Didn’t you act in Mary Poppins?’ He wasn’t sure. (Laughs) I knew who he was, but I wasn’t sure why I knew who he was. I wasn’t familiar with all of his work. He has so much work I can’t believe he missed it,” he told the Huffington Post.

Dick and Arlene have a 46-year age difference, and when they married in 2012, she was 40 and he was 86. Today, they are 52 and 98, respectively.

Dick once addressed the age difference by saying, “Emotionally I’m about 13. She’s very wise beyond her years, so I’m having the time of my life.”

Arlene responded to those comments by telling the Huffington Post: “It’s so funny. He’s not immature in a bad way. He’s immature in a good way with the wonder of a child. He’s just fun, open-minded. He’s not stuck in his ways at all. We are both like children. “We feel like we are both having a second childhood.”

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Dick and Arlene aren’t the only celebrity couple who has a big age difference. See what other celebrity couples are part of the club!

Categories: Biography
Source: vcmp.edu.vn

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