Wednesday Has A Fun Character Easter Egg (But Will They Ever Appear?)

Warning: Contains minor spoilers for Netflix Wednesdays

netflix Wednesdayfocuses on the daughters of the Addams family, includes reliefs and mentions of other relatives of Adams, including relatives instantly recognizable in the portraits. Wednesday A clever new approach to the Addams family story. Instead of focusing on the whole family, the series follows the daughter of Morticia Adams (nee Frump) and Gomez Adams as she is sent to her parents’ old boarding school, Nevermore. There, Wednesday uncovers the magic of mystery, murder, chaos, and friendship.

exist Wednesday Season 1, Episode 7, “If I Don’t Break Your Heart Now”, Wednesday officially toured the dungeons of the Nightshade secret society with her fellow criminals and charming Uncle Fest. In addition to being the only reason Wednesday was really smiling, Uncle Fester also helped her get the club founder Nathaniel Faulkner’s diary. While searching for information, they found a portrait of a familiar hairy relative of the Addams family: Cousin Itt. However, on the show, Uncle Fester just calls him Iggy Itt, which makes his relationship with the Addams family a blur. How, or even whether he’s related to Adams Wednesday, could determine his appearance in any upcoming seasons of the show.

Who is Itter, the cousin of the Adams family?

In the original the addams family A 1960s TV show, Cousin Itt was a sentient shuttlecock wearing round glasses and a melon hat. He lives in a separate house, but has a separate room in Adams’ main residence, decorated to his taste and purpose. He is said to be very intelligent, although he speaks a sharp language that only his family understands. Cousin Itt reveal is one of many references Wednesday For the original Addams family.exist Wednesdayrevealed that he helped develop students, so maybe his stay at Nevermore makes sense to others.

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Will Cousin Etta show up on Wednesday?

cartoon family addams with cousin itter

Showing Itt in a flashback would make sense if more of the club’s history were revealed. Consider the importance of the night in this season Wednesday, if the show had more seasons, they could be explored further. Uncle Fester said on Wednesday that Itt was the right-hand man of the club’s founder and that he had helped train many of the club’s members. Uncle Feist implies that Faulkner was an abandoned naturalist, capable of training students that the usual school curriculum did not provide. Iquiit clearly supported Faulkner’s goals, and he almost certainly knew he died in Hyde’s attack.

first season Wednesday Emphasizes Jenny Ortega’s exploration of the fourth character, but also shows the connection between Frumps and Addamses and Nevermore in general and Nightshade in particular. It is clear that Iggy Itt played an important role in the early days of this occult society. Hopefully Iggy Itt’s legacy, and even his unique form, will be explored in the following installments. Wednesdayshould we take them?

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