Viral Tweet Mocking Pierce Brosnan’s Wife Keely Shaye Smith Backfires

A recent attempt to criticize model, journalist and producer Keely Shaye Smith through a viral tweet has resulted in a surprising turn of events.

At the age of 60, Smith is the wife of 70-year-old actor Pierce Brosnan. The couple first crossed paths in 1994 and eventually married in 2001 and subsequently welcomed two children into her family.

Brosnan and Smith distinguish themselves in Hollywood and stand out as one of the industry’s enduring couples. He James Bond The star constantly expresses admiration for his long-standing marriage and recently shared with PEOPLE the depth of his affection for his wife.

In the interview, Brosnan stated: “I found a great woman in Keely Shaye. No, even if she searched a million times she would find one this good.”

Pierce Brosnan’s Wife Mocks Online, Original Tweet Backfires

Despite Brosnan and Smith’s happiness, a tweet from an account posted photos of the two side by side with a teasing caption. The caption accompanying the tweet read: “Your daily reminder to avoid marriage.”

Your daily reminder to avoid marriage.

-Rx Redpill (@RxRedpill) December 19, 2023

The tweet was intended to mock Keely Shaye Smith’s weight. And she implies that women “let themselves go” after marriage. However, the tweet took an unexpected turn when people came together to defend Smith and refute the implied criticism of her marriage.

The conversation turned overwhelmingly toward praising Smith’s looks and celebrating the apparent strength of her marriage to Brosnan. Numerous people responded by saying that Smith looked “charming” or “beautiful” in both photos. One commenter even called her “beautiful” and advised the tweet’s author to “get over herself.”

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Critics of the initial tweet highlighted the faulty reasoning behind the use of such images as evidence of a marriage deterrent, pointing out the misguided nature of equating physical appearance with the success or failure of a marital relationship.

Categories: Biography

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