Viral country singer Oliver Anthony responds to claim he charged venue $120,000 for a performance

Viral country singer Oliver Anthony and the music hall he was supposed to perform at go back and forth on social media.

The musician responsible for the chart-topping song “Rich Men North of Richmond” was scheduled to perform at a Tennessee venue called Cotton Eyed Joe later this month.

However, he took to Facebook to cancel the performance because he felt the ticket prices were too high. The venue charged $99 for a ticket and $199 for a meet-and-greet, but Oliver said he wanted to cap ticket prices at $25.

“Ultimately, it’s my fault for not engaging more directly with the places that reached out. My plate was full and I delegated responsibility to someone else to help me book,” she wrote.

The venue responded, sharing their side of the story and prompting another statement from Oliver.

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In a statement shared with Deadline, Cotton Eyed Joes alleged that Oliver was charging $120,000 for a performance.

They wrote that the musician’s manager “verbally stated that Anthony requested $120,000 in compensation, plus two nights of hotel accommodation.”

“Cotton Eyed Joe suggested a ticket price of $99 per concert ticket and a combined concert/meet and greet ticket at a price of $199 per ticket,” they stated, adding that management “agreed both with the “concert ticket as well as concert/meet and greet combo ticket prices.”

The statement said management agreed and promised to sign a contract. They asked that the venue start promoting the performance. There was a lot of interest in the performance.

“What happened next was much to Cotton Eyed Joe’s surprise,” they continued. “Unfortunately, instead of Anthony returning directly to Cotton Eyed Joe for a professional discussion about the agreement, we were asked to present specific terms and conditions for the concert and meeting on September 27, 2023, on the afternoon of September. On January 11, 2023, Anthony decided to express his concerns through his social media platforms. “Anthony’s statements were beyond misleading and did not at all adequately represent the conversations that took place throughout the process to create a formal agreement.”

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Back on Facebook, Oliver disagreed with the version that was presented by the venue.

“Cotton Eyed Joe claims we’re charging people $120,000 per show. They have since disabled comments, but I wanted to clarify. The most I have ever won on a show is $35,000. “We have done two shows in North Carolina that were completely free and we have another free show scheduled for September 23rd in Kentucky to benefit cancer,” he wrote. “My booker took care of all of this over the phone with them. And I realize that every story has two sides. But I personally spoke to Cotton Eyed Joe on the phone about not charging more for meet and greets. That’s why it bothered me so much to see that they charged $200 for it. I felt like we were tricked into playing there just so we could make extra money off of all of you.”

He also accepted blame for the situation, writing: “I should have been more involved in the booking and should probably consider using a professional consultant in this area. “There is no reason why tickets should have gone on sale before the contract was signed.”

In case you missed it, the musician recently set the record straight about his politics.

Categories: Biography

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