Twitter sued for $250 million for copyright infringement

Twitter is facing a massive copyright infringement lawsuit.

The social media platform was hit by legal action, according to Varietyby the National Music Publishers Association, acting on behalf of 17 music publishers.

Keep reading to know more…

According to the media, the lawsuit seeks compensation of $250 million for “hundreds of thousands of violations detected in approximately 1,700 works.”

In the complaint, the lawsuit details that Twitter’s business is “infringing on copies of musical compositions, violating the exclusive rights of the publishers and others under copyright law.”

“While numerous Twitter competitors recognize the need for proper licenses and agreements for the use of musical compositions on their platforms, Twitter does not do so and instead results in massive copyright infringement that harms music creators” , reads the documents.

The documents go on to say that “Twitter consistently and knowingly hosts and transmits infringing copies of musical compositions…” and also “routinely continues to provide specific known repeat infringers with use of the Twitter platform, which they use to commit further infringement.”

The lawsuit claims that Twitter also profits from violating the law.

“Twitter’s unlawful conduct has caused and continues to cause substantial and irreparable harm to publishers, their songwriter clients, and the entire music ecosystem,” the complaint concludes.

Variety He adds that the same organization has also gone after other social media platforms, including TikTok, Peloton, and more.

Recently, some celebrities got their blue Twitter checkmark back and this is causing some confusion.

Categories: Biography

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