Travis Scott Slammed by Lawyer for 10-Year-Old Boy Who Died at Astroworld After Investigation Report’s Release

Travis Scott and his team are facing some sharp criticism.

The 32-year-old music superstar is being put on blast by the lawyer for the family of the 10-year-old boy who died in the crowd surge during his 2021 set at Astroworld, calling out Travis‘ team for accusing cops of trying to sabotage his new album with the release of their findings.

Bob Hilliard, the lawyer representing the family of the late Ezra Blount, spoke out via TMZ: “For an artist making his living with music, these are stunningly tone-deaf comments about this preventable tragedy that took so many lives and injured so many.”

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If you didn’t know, one of Travis‘ attorneys said the release of the Houston Police Department’s 1,266-page investigation was intentionally timed to hurt Utopia, which his reps later doubled down on.

“Of course they would only focus on how the report’s release date hurts their album sales instead of the facts contained inside of the report,” the attorney added in his statement.

“For Mr. Scott to allow his lawyers and spokespeople to make the reckless and untrue statement that just because he was not indicted means he’s blame-free is arrogant and insulting to the memory of 10-year-old Ezra as well as the other victims of this terrible night.”

The rapper appeared to shade a celebrity who is dating his ex on his new album.

Categories: Biography

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