Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts Ending Explained – What The Final Twist Means

Warning: Contains spoilers for Transformers: Rise of the Beast!future Transformers The franchise looks completely different then Transformers: The Beast Rises‘ ends, as a final twist, not just another sequel. Part VII Live-Action by Paramount Transformers The franchise expands the world by exposing Autobots to Maximals, Terrorcons, and Unicron. The story revolves around the search for the Key of Transwarp, which could allow the Autobots to return to Cybertron, or fuel Unicron’s desire to devour planets.

Transformers: The Beast Rises is the second entry in the franchise’s reboot timeline and may break free from Michael Bay’s grip Transformers Canon means that the film doesn’t have to worry about contradicting itself or anything else that happens after the 1994 setting. The sequel will have a final confrontation, with the Autobots and Maximus teaming up. to try to stop the Scourge from using the Star-Turn Key to bring Unicron to Earth. We all know Paramount has big plans Transformers franchise, so Transformers: The Beast Rises‘ The epilogue is always more constructive – but the final twist is even bigger than expected.

Rise of the Beast confirms the crossover between Transformers and Special Forces

Transformers and GI Joe crossover is now confirmed as part of future plans when Transformers: The Beast Rises‘ ending includes a shocking GI Joe reveal. After Noah (Anthony Ramos), Elena (Dominic Fishback), the Autobots, and Maximus save the planet, Noah returns to New York to do more job interviews. This leads him to Slizza Imports, the cover for a secret organization, and an interview with Agent Burke (Michael Kelly), who knows all about Noah’s recent world-saving adventure with Transformers. . Instead of connecting to area 7, Transformers: The Beast Rises‘ The finale reveals that Burke works for the Special Forces.

The twisted ending sets up a Transformers and GOF crossover movie that could unite the two main Hasbro toy lines on the big screen for the first time. Burke wanted Noah to join GI Joe’s work, based on his experience as a military veteran and recent world-saving heroic actions. GI Joe wants Noah to join them in a mysterious war, but they also want him to join them as a way to ally with the Autobots. Noah doesn’t officially accept or decline the offer to join Joss until the end of the film.

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this Transformers: The Beast Rises The end of the GI Joe reveal could have huge implications for the future. This could mean that the GI Joe organization will 8 . Transformer. Anthony Ramos is also likely to be part of the new cast special forces If Noah accepts a spot on the team, this movie. Paramount dreamed of combining Transformers and Special Forces for a crossover, but it didn’t work out special forces The series’ landing has repeatedly dashed those hopes. Currently, Transformers: The Beast Rises‘ ending is used to help restart GI Joes.

Although only a glance at the GI Joe organization Transformers: The Beast Risesit is easy to speculate that this is a completely different version of the original team.paramount special forces The movie franchise starring Channing Tatum and Dwayne Johnson ended a decade ago, and snake eyes‘ bombed the box office and killed off the franchise before it could really succeed. since then Transformers: The Beast Rises Happened in 1994 (more than ever special forces movie), Noah’s recruitment appears to be Paramount’s latest attempt at rebooting an IP.

Mirage is still alive after Noah rebuilt him for a future Transformers movie

The illusion of Pete Davidson in Transformers: Rise of the Beast.

this Transformers: The Beast Rises The credits end screen is another important step for the future of the franchise, as it confirms that Ghosts is still alive after Noah helped rebuild it. Pete Davidson’s Autobot character is prominent in the film and forms a close friendship with Noah throughout the adventure. Mirage seems to be Transformers: The Beast Rises‘ ends after he is shot multiple times in defense of Noah. Although the final battle shows that Mirage is not dead yet, he has weakened to the point of becoming a suit that Noah can wear and after that he does not fully transform.

Because Noah and Mirage are positioned as Transformers Franchise’s New Humans and Autobots Lead, Content Transformers: The Beast RisesThe scene between the credits isn’t too surprising. Noah and his friend Reek recreate the Phantom with scrap parts. When Reek thought they should try to sell the car for scrap and it wouldn’t even start, Mirage reverted back to his Autobot form to confirm he was indeed working again. This allows Noah and Mirage to return Transformers: The Beast Rises next part. While the Mirage might not be pretty right now, it could turn into an even better model next time it comes out.

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Unicron is considered the main antagonist of the trilogy after the failed invasion of Earth

The Great in Transformers Rise of the Monsters

Autobots and Maximus can save the planet Transformers: The Beast Rises‘ ends, but the film still places Unicron as the main antagonist of the new trilogy. Planet-eating villains are rarely used in new entries, as Scourge leads the Terrorcons on behalf of Unicron to the key to Transwarp. The Autobots and Maximus may have prevented his initial invasion of Earth, but the film confirms that Unicron is alive despite this failure. Transformers The film’s villain is still big and growing hungry, which means this isn’t his last attempt at eating an energetic planet like Earth.

Transformers: The Beast RisesUnicron’s fate means he will return for the rest of the trilogy. After Scorch’s death, Unicron was able to seek out other beings to carry out his orders and receive a boost to his dark energy. This could be the new way Transformers The trio adds Megatron/Galvatron to it, then makes Unicron the main villain 9 . TransformerCurrently, Unicron is trapped in another part of the universe far away from Earth and he needs to regroup to develop a new plan after the destruction of the Transwarp Key, and ultimately to try to get revenge on the Autobots. and Maximals.

How Bumblebee resurrected in Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

transformer bumblebee rise of the beast

One of the big surprises of the sequel was Bumblebee’s death in the first battle with the Scourge, keeping him out for most of the story. Transformers: The Beast Rises‘ ends with Bumblebee returning from being resurrected, which, surprisingly, mostly happens offscreen. Earlier in the movie, Bumblebee was placed on an energetic bed by Optimus Prime and Optimus Prime. This proved to be the key to bringing Bumblebee back to life, as the Transwarp Key portal tower emitted an explosion that activated any nearby Energons. It seems the collective energy is enough to restart Bumblebee’s spark.

Why did Optimus Prime destroy the Transwarp Key and his chance to return to Cybertron

Optimus Prime looks majestic in Transformers Rise of the Beast

Another surprise came when Optimus Prime defeated the Transwarp Key Transformers: The Beast Rises‘ end. His entire motivation in the movie revolves around using a key to open a portal, allowing the Autobots to return to Cybertron after being trapped on Earth for seven years. Sabotage his only chance to do so by breaking the Transwarp Key Sacrifice is part of his character development. He learned from Optimus Prime the value of protecting life from Unicron’s threats at all costs. Therefore, saving Earth and humanity is more important to Optimus Prime than returning to Cybertron.

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How Transformers: Rise of Beasts Set Up a Sequel and the Hasbro Cinematic Universe

Transformers Rise of the Beast post-credits scene

this Transformers: The Beast Rises The epilogue essentially sets up the sequel. Noah rebuilding Mirage means they can return 8 . Transformerand Unicron is still a threat that Autobots need to defeat in the future. details Transfiguration: Monster Rises 2 That has yet to be confirmed, but the film ends with the Autobots and Maximus working together to protect Earth. This way, the current roster is left with only Optimus Prime, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Phantom, Arcee, Jack, Cheetos, and Rhino, while Noah and Elena can go back to save the world once again.

Greater implication comes from Transformers: The Beast Rises‘ ends revealing GI Joe, seemingly marking the beginning of the Hasbro Cinematic Universe. Paramount originally started working on the idea of ​​a shared universe in 2015, but most of the movies that are said to be in development are yet to hit theaters. Now that the Transformers and GOF converters are set for the future, it’s possible other Hasbro properties will join this universe. This includes Micronauts, MASK, Rom the Spaceknight, etc. What is not clear is whether special forces play a larger role in it. 8 . Transformer Or whether the crossover will happen elsewhere.

What does the ending of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts really mean

Poster for the movie Transformers Rise of the Monsters

In all action and CG Transformers The film still has a core theme throughout Transformers: The Beast RisesThe film follows the Autobots, Maximus, and humans working together to deal with a common threat, instead of each acting in their own interests. That’s why Transformers: The Beast Rises‘The end is unity and needs people from different backgrounds to work together. If there is any real doubt about the message, “Until All Is One” It is clear that Optimus Prime, Optimus Prime and Noah are finally working together.

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