The Boys: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up A-Train As A Character

after the third season boys, the sub-plot of A-Train has reached a major turning point. After a season-long clash with the Blue Hawks, A-Train wakes up in his hospital bed with a new perspective on life – and more connection to Vought than he ever wanted.

But while A-Train’s story is a very serious one, there are some fans who are happy to downplay the facts. Given that fans are always happy to make memes, they started mocking the character. As funny as it is, some of these memes happen to be perfect descriptions of A-Train’s overall personality.

not always the smartest

A-Train has never really been the most principled character. His desire to continue to be paid as an athlete and as an athlete is always preceded by his desire to bring justice to those who are not around him. That’s why A-Train is happy to be asked to shoot commercials.

Despite wanting to fight for social justice, A-Train happily filmed a fake advertisement for A-Train energy drink. Of course, this has nothing to do with his heart disease, which can be aggravated. It just goes to show that he’s willing to do whatever Vought wants and that he’s not ready to really go against them in any meaningful way.

it’s not his fault

After A-Train’s girlfriend Popclaw threatens to reveal his dependence on Compound V, he decides the only way to solve the problem is to kill her himself. Even though Popclaw is one of the worst superheroes in the world boysA-Train still feels the need to cover up her death by pretending that she overdosed on drugs.

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Then, in a very confusing moment, the A-Train chose to blame Hughie. Instead of taking the blame himself, he chooses to blame his closest enemies, even though Hughie is completely unrelated. As a character trying to take responsibility for his actions, it makes sense for the A-Train, though he might blame Homelander. After all, it gave him something for revenge.

harder to hit than train

boys Known for many shocking deaths, nothing is more surprising than that of Robin. Fans who weren’t sure what to expect from the show found themselves as surprised as Hughie when the A-Train lunged in and killed Robin.

Given how gruesome the scene was, it was particularly surprising that the A-Train barely reacted. It only shows his lack of concern for his fellow human beings and his inability to fully empathize with Hughie. He runs like a train, only to cause the death of an innocent woman right in front of his eyes.

need DRAW

For A-Train, a major plot point of season one was his inability to stop being dependent on Compound V. The drug helps him move faster, helping him maintain his status as a superhero. fastest alive — and a member of The Seven. . Given his poor reaction to being dropped from the team, it makes sense for him to switch to V.

But the abuse led to a plot throughout the series, as it broke his heart and nearly took his place in Seven. V shows that A-Train’s confidence is fake, as he’s always been too paranoid about losing to really accept his place on the team or in the world.


Even when killing Hughie’s girlfriend, A-Train really doesn’t care about the consequences of his actions. After all, after she died, A-Train just checked his sunglasses, telling Hughie he couldn’t stop and run away. He never once went back to make up for what he had done, and he didn’t even want to go back.

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Although he doesn’t smile while doing it, he certainly doesn’t seem to care for fear of his own addiction. It’s easy to imagine him doing it again, like SpongeBob did in this meme. A better person could be, but – as a superhero boys —He’s not exactly a hero.

never mind the quick betrayal

After repeated rejections, moments of bullying, and life-threatening situations, Super Cop finds himself recruited on a mission to defeat the Department of Homeland Security. Of course, like most Superman, his mettle didn’t last long in the face of the increasingly powerful Homelander, and the A-Train turned to his recruiter, Supersonic.

As always, A-Train craves the respect of those around him. This time, ending with Sonic’s death, he didn’t even get what he wanted. It just goes to show that the character really can’t be redeemed because he opens his tail every time he tries.

happy pain

Despite being a regular killer to facilitate his life, A-Train is disgusted that Blue Hawk would hurt his brother. However, after being scolded for being hypocritical, A-Train realizes that he is also such a person, and also one who can easily hurt those around him at will.

While this resulted in the A-Train attempting to atone by killing Blue Hawk, it’s unlikely his turn would last. After all, he had several chances to reach the realm of salvation, but each time he gave up. The A-Train happily accepts Vought’s help, although they clearly don’t respect him.

a little heartache

One of the issues that has plagued A-Train since the first season has been the conflict between his nature as an athlete and as someone with a heart condition. This contrast makes him do his best to find a way to stay in the Seven Kingdoms while balancing his need for survival.

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Although the officer tried to stay put when he needed to, his heart condition caused ongoing problems in his life and even caused strain in his relationship with other officers.

fake apology

Robin’s death is a horrible scene and the A-Train doesn’t seem to care about it. But when the A-Train finally stumbles across Hughie, he finally apologizes for Robin’s death. Although it was a sincere apology, Huey did not fully accept it.

After all, it took A-Train three seasons to apologize, and it was through the same thing that he was finally able to empathize. It didn’t help that he was completely rude when he apologized, and it certainly didn’t help Hughie forgive him.


A-Train is expected to die after killing the racist blue eagle, and he’s happy about it. But after waking up in the hospital with a Blue Eagle’s heart in his chest, A-Train is shocked and horrified to discover that he must rely on his racist heart to keep himself alive.

While that means the A-Train can run without worrying about his heart attack, it also means freedom from Vought, a real redemption and a way to avoid a tantrum. Homelander’s wrath. Instead, the A-Train is trapped, forced to handle life like a Vought super.

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