The Best of American Memes to Tickle Your Funny Bone!

America is a country of power, important events, great moves, and of course, adorably crazy lives. Today, we have handpicked the teeny-tiny everyday punches from the lives of American people. Enjoy these bone-tickling stories and memes hailing from American land.

The United States of America is famous for its powers and its people. The powers are immense, but the people are adorably unique. Don’t believe us?

Here are some crazy everyday memes coming all the way from the lives of America, handpicked by us only for you.


For the starters, let Dave Coverly entertain you with his witty sarcasm!

Are the reports really POSITIVE?

Image Source: Pinterest


This frog comes to the doctor, only to get the doctor to question his own academic degree! The X-ray reports of the patient do not look anywhere like the ones stored in the doctor’s cupboard in all these years. Is it really the bony structure of the frog or is anyone holding the frog in shape with his hand? Reminds us of puppets, but the frog clearly stepped up to the clinic to get his X-rays done. “How is the frog even alive?” 

Oh, the doctor asked the very same question!

The 3 geniuses


Image Source: Facebook

Ever got your car keys stuck in your car? That’s definitely a panicking situation to deal with. Sometimes, it can get so panicky that even the most apparent solutions could seem to be far away from the consciousness. Yes, we are trying to act modest while we control our giggles to praise the questionable efforts of these three people trying to open the car for the keys, while completely ignoring the taped plastic over the back window.

See also  There are two animals in this photo challenge, but most people see only one: are you smart or not?

Our respect for the professional!


Image Source: Pinterest

Convocations are one of the most significant days of a man’s life. After laborious hard work for years, what a relief it is to receive the degree and enjoy the hat-throwing. But hey, since when did the tradition change from hat-throwing to diploma-throwing? This student must have really 

worked hard to get the degree (and then fetching it in the bushes).

ALSO READ: Optical Illusion: The bride is getting cold-feet and hides at her own wedding. Spot the hidden bride!

Beware, this advertisement is a complete anxiety trigger!


Image Source:  Designer Daily

The fun side of marketing and advertising titled to the creative side way too much when CANAL+ wanted to convey to the viewers that they could have all their favorite movies on their phones with this unique advertisement. While it is funny and can be a bit gratifying too to see a fingertip tilt the complete ship, this hilarious yet scary ad is seriously not for fragile-hearted people. Is it Titanic with a strange ending? We don’t know!


Where are the ship makers? Oh, they are crying in a corner!

 ALSO READ: Optical Illusion: There is a thief hiding in this shopping mart. Can you find the hidden thief?

America is popular for great activism, but do their cows also raise their “moo” over misogyny?


Image Source: Twitter


Firstly, we bow down to the yogurt company here.

Appreciating the workforce is one thing in the corporate culture, but acknowledging the efforts of cows and giving them due credit for their work on the product is another level of divine humanity. They may have wondered if their cows would feel unappreciated if their names wouldn’t be there on the labels. Are the cows even bothered? We doubt it!


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Okay, but has the world ever appreciated questionably insane yet humanitarian acts in the very first go? This lady on the internet feels it is not okay to name milk-producing cows, which are biologically female animals, as typical female names!

Well, we are planning to purchase a new cow to get some fresh milk straight to our office canteen. Can you suggest some good names? How about “John”?


This sign board is grammatically correct, but we can’t assure any other kind of accuracy!


Image Source: DailyBee


Somewhere in a lawn stands this sign, tall and proud, to remind people that their country is the best one in the nation. While it fills the heart of every American with pride, it fills the heads with confusion. But hey, the sign still stands tall, as logic should not question patriotism!

May we all get the same level of confidence in our lives, as the board makers have!

ALSO READ: Optical Illusion: The fruits look delicious but there is a bug hiding. Can you find the hidden bug in the fruit basket?

All is good, but where are the bears?



Image Source: Consumerist

This feedback form is what the Yellow Stone people must have preserved in a frame. The National Park wanted to get honest feedback from the visitors, but they never imagined the brutal honesty of one of its interesting, and perhaps disappointed visitors.

A bear is always in demand of visitors who leave their busy lives and visit a national park, but do the stars know about their stardom? We doubt it.

The wild creatures may have been busy doing what’s important for them while the visitor may have yearned to have a glance at it. Poor national park owners got the most disappointing feedback for simply not instructing the bears to be stationed at a specific place in a national park.

See also  You have sharp eyesight if you can spot a frog in the bathroom within 8 seconds!

And oh, do humans expect animals to be present at a specific place for their entertainment? That’s enough for disturbing sarcasm for the day!

ALSO READ: Optical Illusion: This bathroom is super clean. Really? Spot the hidden cockroach in the bathroom in 20 seconds. (98% people will FAIL!)

Let’s find Alaska on the map!


Image Source: DeMilked


May God forbid everyone from making meaningful relationships with people with questionable IQs. Is the US educational system at fault if adults don’t double-check their facts? Well, geography lectures are truly required to be taken seriously by everyone.

Here comes the best one!

What would you like to have sir? Some SINGING juice with the DANCING sandwiches?


Image Source: DailyBee

If sandwiches can, then hands down, anyone can dance! If only billboard creators could be cautious of their mistakes, many people would stop scratching their heads on the roads. Yes, we all always look for the perfect places to hang out, maybe where one can find a good bar and great cocktails, but do we want dancing sandwiches? Well, that is too much to expect from food as humans!

ALSO READ: Optical Illusion: Are you sure your toothpaste kills maximum germs? Find the hidden germ in the teeth.

ALSO READ: Optical illusion: The kids were playing hide and seek when the dog also joined. Can you find the hidden dog?

Categories: Trends

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