The animated series ‘Stoner Cats’ by Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher fined by the SEC

Another thing in Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher’s lives is under fire.

According Entertainment WeeklyThe married couple will star in an animated series called stoner catsand is being fined by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) for how it was financed.

Keep reading to know more…

The media reports that to finance the series, the team behind the program sold more than 10,000 NFTs, with which they made profits of around $8 million.

However, in doing so, the creators “violated the Securities Act of 1933 by offering and selling these cryptoasset securities to the public in an unregistered offering that was not exempt from registration.”

E.W. He added that the marketing strategy behind the NFT-funded series was the promise of reselling the NFT at higher profits in the future.

The LLC also “emphasized their experience as Hollywood producers, their knowledge of crypto projects, and the well-known actors involved in the web series, leading investors to expect profits because a successful web series could increase the resale value of the Stoner Cats NFT as the secondary market rises.”

By doing this, the SEC stated that the LLC found a way to reward itself with a 2.5 percent royalty every time the original NFT was purchased.

“Without admitting or denying the SEC’s findings, SC2 agreed to a cease and desist order and pay a $1 million civil penalty,” a statement on the matter shared. “The order establishes a Fair Fund to return the money that harmed investors paid to purchase the NFTs. “SC2 also agreed to destroy all NFTs in its possession or control and post a notice of the order on its website and social media channels.”

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Ashton and Mila were just two of the stars of the series, along with Chris Rock and Jane Fonda.

The show focuses on a group of sensitive cats who care for their marijuana-smoking owner who suffers from early-stage Alzheimer’s disease.

The news follows the backlash Ashton and Mila have faced for writing letters of confidence to recently convicted rapist Danny Masterson.

Categories: Biography

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