The 5 Passengers On Board Missing ‘Titanic’ Submarine Have Been Identified

The five passengers aboard the submersible that went missing en route to the Titanic wreckage site have all been identified.

If you did not see the news, the submarine left on Sunday (June 18) and, as of now, has lost contact with the outside world. Searches are underway for the vessel. It is said that tickets for the expedition were $250,000 each. Communications were lost about an hour and 45 minutes into the journey towards the wreckage site, which is in the Atlantic Ocean.

Keep reading to find out more…

Those on board have been identified as British billionaire Hamish Harding, British businessman Shahzada Dawood and his 19-year-old son Suleman, former French Navy diver Paul-Henry Nargeolet, and chief executive of OceanGate (the company running the voyage) Stockton Rush.

The Dawood family told the BBC in a statement that the father-son duo were interested in “exploring different natural habitats.” The family has urged “everyone to pray for their safety.”

Paul-Henry is considered a Titanic expert and has reportedly been to the wreckage site more times than anyone else in history.

If you didn’t see, Hamish‘s good friend revealed the last text he sent him just before the expedition was underway.

Our continued thoughts are with the passengers, crew, and their loved ones.

Categories: Biography

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