The 10 Most Intelligent Pixar Villains, Ranked

Pixar has had plenty of villains over the years, and while they’re often not as dominant as Disney’s villains, they still bring some surprisingly strong levels to the main characters. . While Pixar’s villains don’t usually talk about strength, it’s surprising how strong and intelligent some of them are.

Pixar’s scam gallery offers a wide selection of skill sets, personalities, and threat elements. Some of Pixar’s villains are scarier and more dangerous than others, but even the smartest villains have a hard time confronting and surpassing their heroic counterparts.

Updated by Stacie Rook on January 19, 2023: Elemental, Pixar’s next feature film, is set to be released on June 16, and while there’s been no hint about the film’s villain yet, the trailer does introduction (via YouTube) identified its setting, Elemental City, and its main characters, Ashes and Wade.

Pete – Toy Story 2 (1999)

Stinky Pete might not really come to mind as a smart character, but he’s certainly a cunning and charismatic villain. Stinky Pete tricked Woody and the audience into believing that his lovely grandfather image was real. However, when his plans to enter the museum are threatened, he abandons the action and comes very close to successfully completing his mission of sabotage.

as far as Toy Story The villain is gone, he is one of the most emotional people around, his intelligence lies in his ability to manipulate the lonely people around him and make them find any meaning that in his life. He may even mean it, but his selfishness makes viewers less sympathetic to his fate as an art toy.

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Hopper – The Life of a Bug (1998)

Hopper glares in Pixar's A Bug's Life

Hopper is a bully in every sense of the word, using his much larger size to bring the ants into submission. However, he is also sharp enough to realize that he also needs to control his fear of ants, which are far more ants than grasshoppers.

He is able to subdue an entire species through intimidation and intimidation, which requires a great deal of intellect and physical strength (for which he has ample supply). Hopper may not be an inventor, but he succeeds in the film’s opening plot before succumbing to one of the harshest fates for a Pixar villain.

Gabby Gabby – Toy Story 4 (2019)

Gabby Gabby talking to Woody in a trolley in Toy Story 4

While Gabby is one of Pixar’s most tragic villains, with surprisingly pure intentions, she remains a threatening presence to the cast. Her kidnapping of Forky may have ended in a friendship, but she still uses the information she got from Forky to manipulate Woody’s insecurities.

By comparing her troubles to Woody’s and attracting his better nature, she convinces Woody to give her what she wants. She’s known for being one of the few villains in Pixar movies to actually carry out her plans, even though they end up in her heartbreak.

Lotso – Toy Story 3 (2010)

Lotso welcomes Buzz at Toy Story 3's nursery

Lotso is the most dangerous Toy Story douchebag. His manipulative nature goes beyond Stinky Pete, and has little sympathy for his selfish behavior. He even managed to trick Woody and his friends into being the kids’ “punching bags” in the face of his incredible betrayal.

It’s impressive how a plush bear can single-handedly arrange all the other nursery toys into this level of abuse. As for the Pixar movies, he’s running his broken toy empire with incredible efficiency, and his fate is well-deserved at the end of the film.

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Ernesto de la Cruz – Cocoa (2017)

                Ernesto De La Cruz talks to Hector and Miguel at Coco

Ernesto De La Cruz is a very effective villain because of how his plans appear after being skillfully constructed in the background. Many people equate intelligence with education, etc., but as many of Pixar’s villains have demonstrated, their ability to manipulate those around them is enough to prove their talent.

In fact, he’s gone so far that Miguel’s secret would never have come to light if he hadn’t been to the Land of the Dead. Ernesto scrutinizes Hector’s legacy, and his promotion to the Land of the Dead reveals a very clever and ruthless business approach to fame.

Henry J. Waternoose – Monsters, Inc. (2001)

Mr. Waternoose frowned at Monster's Inc.

Henry J. Waternoose is a villain who at first appears friendly and charismatic, but then reveals his ruthless businessman personality, using his wits to improve the monster breed. Unfortunately, while workable, his plan involved kidnapping children.

Unfortunately, intelligence can manifest in the most nefarious ways, and Waternoose’s hidden plan to solve the energy crisis by kidnapping children is downright terrifying (even for the monsters). other object). His high position in society also indicates a certain level of intelligence, or at least cunning.

Automotive – Wall-E (2008)

AUTO Pixar Robot Wall-E

AUTO, from one of the best movies with almost no dialogue, Wali, which uses superhuman intelligence common to most AI villains. AUTO basically knows everything about humanity, its history, its people and most importantly its decline. AUTO is the terrible will of the common evil of mankind.

As often happens with AI in movies, AUTO goes above and beyond the human mind that he must follow in favor of what he believes is better, or at least, what humans think every day. The last century was the best for mankind.

Charles Muntz – Up (2009)

Charles Muntz looks angry with a gun in Up

Charles Muntz was a brilliant inventor, age did not dampen his creative spirit. In addition to Muntz having created the technology to make dogs talk, he also somehow trained them to fly airplanes.

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In one of Pixar’s saddest films, revealing that Muntz is the villain is also heartbreaking, as he is someone Carl and Ellie admire. Muntz is a man whose mind is rivaled only by his pride, and hurting it causes him to devote all his intelligence to his petty goals. .

Evelyn Deavor – Superman Family 2 (2018)

Evelyn Deavor threatens Helen in Superman 2

Evelyn Deavor, the twisted villain this Superman 2, is one of Pixar’s most successful villains, and her intelligence is on par with other “fanatical” inventors. However, underneath her seemingly cold exterior lies an extremely charismatic personality.

Evelyn is able to control nearly every known adult hero in the film and use them to her advantage. Her attempt to destroy the reputations of all her heroes came very close, only to fail because of factors she could not have foreseen.

The Incredibles (2004)

'The Incredibles' laugh-on-attack syndrome

Syndrome is the smartest of all the Pixar villains. From admired superhero to supervillain billionaire in fifteen years, with a secret volcanic lair? It’s a feat that no other Pixar villain has been able to achieve. His rudimentary wit as an inventor also levels the playing field with Superman.

Considering he basically killed most of the heroes with his invention, leveling up is really underestimating it. The syndrome would never have been discovered if he hadn’t let his ego and pride get in the way of his plot. Like the comic book villains Lex Luthor and Doctor Doom, his petty hatred for his “familiar enemy” Mr. Incredible became his downfall. However, his previous track record is impressive.

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