The 10 Funniest Wario Memes Of All-Time

nintendo has been delayed recently super mario brothers The film is slated to release in April 2023. The film will be from mario universe, including more obscure characters like Foreman Spike. However, fans of greedy gold hunters will be disappointed that Wario has yet to be confirmed for the movie, so they will have to get their Wario content as a meme.

Wario meme just makes sense. He’s such a popular character that he has two series to his name. He also frequently appeared in the Super Mario and Super Smash Bros. as weird aliens. So memes about him include some of the silliest memes mario Zealots saw.

power source of war

This meme comes from BuckenBen on Reddit and it features some of the common stuff in the meme; edited SpongeBob Squarepants, specifically the episode “I’m With Stupid” in which SpongeBob intentionally acted like an idiot. During the episode, there was a scene where he bit Patrick, which reminded fans of Wario’s neutrality in Super Smash Bros.

It was an odd move, and it released its jaws and took a bite. Technically, it is based on World War, but still strange. Knowing how to use it is really an important step for any Wario player, and this meme pokes fun at how popular it is among Wario players.

What cost?

Wario won Kahoot, but at what cost?

This particular meme (from Wario_memes_weekly) is credited to a deleted user named Meestamemes, but this format has been around for a while. It introduces the playable character Wario mario party Loss of animation, looks very frustrating.

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But what does he have to be sad about? “Kahoot” is a tutorial game used in schools and should not be taken seriously. This meme takes the goofy Wario character, makes him look serious, and then takes it a step further by adding a ridiculous situation to the ending.

Wario & Waluigi need sleep

Wario and Waluigi just fell asleep from this TumblrPost

Wario and Waluigi are prettier than the leading characters. Which makes sense, since Mario and Luigi already look so weird. However, this Tumblr post by user theweegeemeister and the onion-soul gets things right.

The changes on the nose are noticeable, but the rest of the changes are not. The post makes Wario’s eyeliner and dilated pupils more visible, which really makes the character design stand out. The bottom line about these two making a splash because they need sleep is the real star, turning a hilarious meme edit into a golden joke.

wario laughs

A scroll-down meme of a smiling Wario.

This vertical meme about Wario’s signature laugh was posted on Reddit. Wario’s laugh is refreshing and, to be honest, funny in its own right, a testament to Charles Martinet’s excellent voice acting ability.

But this meme isn’t just about Wario giggling while doing something naughty. This is a “Wario Laughing” YouTube video about user MetalKingBoo. It’s a hysterical video threading Wario’s laughs together to create non-stop laughter. This is a perfect example of a surreal meme and the one above does it very well.

Wario’s Summer Advice

Wario jumps into a swimming pool with interesting hints in the background.

This meme comes from Instagram user the_owner_of_my_page. Wario is definitely the type to come up with get-rich-quick schemes. Even the hot summer can’t stop him, and he really isn’t a moral person.

So this meme about Wario selling stolen dogs makes sense. It’s dark, but has a dark humorous side. The summer swimming corner is completely unrelated, just placed side by side in a very Wario way.

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Custom character in the cutscene

Elon Musk's Wario was pretty controversial in his day, but it's a good cut-scene meme.

Elon Musk’s appearance on Saturday Night Live caused a lot of controversy, but this sketch of him dressed as Wario sparked a lot of memes. Specifically this one from Reddit user ZakTheRedditor. The post “This is a horrible skit” draws attention away from Elon and Wario, reminiscent of Western role-playing games.

Games like Skyrim and other RPGs allow players to customize their characters and make them as ridiculous as possible. So a character might look out of place in a serious scene, such as Musk playing Wario.

Chad Wario

The Virgin vs Chad meme compares Wario from different games.

The V vs Chad meme format is very popular when it comes to comparing things and a lot of people are very opinionated on Wario. Big split among new fans war software game and old combatant games, so memes comparing the game to their preferred version became popular.

But this hilarious meme from hilarious user Mirayuki sets itself apart by showcasing the goodness of both versions of the character. Wario is a surprisingly complex character, one that holds so much in his stinky ego.

Wario and Eggman

One Twitter user commented on Eggman and Wario's nipple situation in Mario and Sonic Olympiad.

At the end of 2019, a new Mario & Sonic Goes to the Olympics game came out.and twitter users @antdude92 The observations that were made spread like wildfire. Eggman is another popular character in memes, especially in the recent Sonic the Hedgehog 2 movie. But what’s really shocking is that Eggman has nipples and Wario doesn’t.

What really makes things weirder, though, is the situation with Egghead. The memes showcase how different companies want their characters to be portrayed. Regardless, it’s an interesting thought for anyone watching Wario.

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Buenos Dias, the snake

Wario's new tilt in Smash Bros has been hinted at on Snake.

twitter user @FreakInASheet An attack by Wario was observed. Leaning forward is an attack in Smash Bros., used by tilting the directional stick and briefly pressing the normal attack button. They usually attack with a quick slap or smack.

However, Wario’s forward motion looks like a peculiar slap, as if he was slapping Snake’s ass suggestively. After all, the characters in Metal Gear are known for their physical form, and Wario looks like a tough guy, so that makes sense. Wario fans won’t forget this disturbing yet hilarious sight.

Older brother…

Wario and Waluigi are talking about how much they like each other.

Wario and Waluigi are candid in this meme from a now-deleted Redditor. Despite being rivals, Mario and Luigi are not brothers, just friends and business partners.

Both Wario and Waluigi are so evil that it’s hard to imagine them being friendly with each other. However, their partnership was so long and consistent that the only conclusion was that they must be very close. The meme features Wario and Waluigi sharing their pure affection for each other in a meme that is surprisingly gentle, funny, and healthy for a meme about two of Mario’s biggest villains.

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