Stranger Things: 10 Hidden Details About Heather Holloway

strange things Bringing many lovable characters to the world, from Eleven to Will to Hopper. But as each season goes on and the villains evolve, we add more characters to keep our viewers hooked, including those that viewers ultimately don’t like.

Even if it’s just a supporting role strange things, Heather Holloway was lovable at first, a young teen just worried about being a lifeguard over the summer. Unfortunately, Billy and the mind saboteur dragged her into their mess, and she became one of the skinned ones. Heather Holloway appeared as a major influential supporting character in the third installment. There are no supporting roles, so here are some additional details about Heather Holloway that may have been overlooked.

she died on independence day

No wonder a small opponent is killed. One unfortunate detail about Heather Holloway is that she died on Independence Day.

Everyone saw her death coming, but it was just one of those things that happened on a big day that wasn’t explicitly announced when it happened.

she turned into a monster

mind-boggling posture

As mentioned earlier, Heather Holloway died on July 4, or Independence Day. But her death is one of the worst – she becomes a recurring monster known as a mind saboteur.

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A possessed Heather and her haunted mother are summoned by mind-smashers. They all go to Brimborn Steel Works, where they are both melted down and fused with the Mind Flayer, creating a giant Mind Flayer.

She cares even when possessed

Heather talking to Billy

It’s no secret that Heather is a caring person. First and foremost, her job is to save lives and prevent drowning.

But it wasn’t until she met Billy that she really showed her caring side. When Billy hallucinates and screams in the shower, she goes to him to check on him. Even when they’re both possessed, her concern shows as she cares for Billy’s wounds after his battle with Eleven and the gang. Possessed or not, her sweet side is timeless.

Her shift is always ahead of Billy

Heather Holloway speaks into the microphone

It might be a bit odd to document a fictional lifeguard schedule, but another hidden detail about Heather is that her lifeguard’s shifts are always ahead of Billy’s.

The moms at the pool know this too, as they count down the minutes until the end of her shift so they can be ready to greet Billy on the way to the lifeguard tower. Heather also recognized Billy as he passed them as he returned to the guild and as he returned to the tower.

she is named after a plant

Heather Holloway smiles

In a way, Heather is actually named after a plant! Well, not literally. But according to, some fans may not realize that the name “heather” comes from the plant’s small leaves and purplish-pink flowers.

Like Heather herself, she has lovely, soft pastel floral patterns. Unfortunately, the possession of the mind has made her less of a beautiful and less-loved flower.

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Nancy Wheeler works for Heather’s father

Photos of Holloways

The best part of TV is the often interconnected storylines, this is seen when Nancy’s evil and bossy boss is actually Heather Holloway’s father!

Tom Holloway is the reporter and editor-in-chief of Hawkin’s Post, where Nancy interned and worked during season 3. He even fired Nancy and Jonathon, who also worked there, because they were investigating Mind. Flayer, which makes sense, since Heather was the one who made him Flayer in the first place.

She was the first to kill a loved one

hollow heather fell into the void

Of all the supporting characters appearing in Season 3, Heather was the first to be killed by someone she loved.

Finally, she invites Billy to dinner, and they poison her house wine. Then they take them to the psychologist to possess them just like her. Thankfully, not even Billy can pull off this feat with Max.

She’s hated by the pool mom

heather standing

Honestly, all the moms in the pool just want to see one thing – Billy. So it’s no surprise that they both unreasonably hate Heather through dialogue.

“Even her voice is annoying,” said one mother, and another added, “like a nail on a blackboard.” The third rang the bell, “Only 10 minutes left.” Until? Until Billy.

she has a crush on billy

Heather Holloway swaggers

This isn’t explicitly stated on the show, but Heather actually had some feelings for Billy before they became accomplices.

This is evident when she flirts with him in the first two episodes of the season and when she checks on him when he hallucinates in the shower. Had it not been for her to check on him, she might have avoided being one of the Flayers.

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She can escape the mind control of mind spoilers

Heather Holloway gets scared in the bathtub

The Mind Flayer is a powerful being capable of dominating all of its victims. However, one character can escape its grip, if only for a split second, and that’s Heather.

Heather gasped in the cold water as Eleven searched for her in the air. She said “help me” to Eleven and was sucked back into the void. Even for a few seconds, Heather was able to control her thoughts long enough to communicate with Eleven.

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