Skyrim: The 15 Best Followers, Ranked

Some Dragonborn prefer to experience the game alone, but for those who enjoy a bit of camaraderie, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim‘s best followers can provide them with invaluable company and a helping hand in combat. By taking one or several of these characters along for the ride, players can avoid being overwhelmed by scores of high-level enemies, bosses, and other trials. However, not all of the game’s 66 potential companions are built alike, and so they’ll find that they benefit more from the best followers in Skyrim than the others.

Just like standard NPCs, every follower has individual strengths and weaknesses that set them apart. Some have a higher maximum level than others, whereas others might be more adept with a certain weapon or school of magic compared to their competition. All of Skyrim‘s essential followers, who can’t be killed in battle thanks to their narrative significance, are inherently some of the strongest companions. However, not every one of Skyrim‘s best followers needs immortality to be considered the most powerful.

15 Mjoll The Lioness Is The Voice Of Justice In Skyrim

Mjoll The Lioness is best described as a fierce fighter with strong morals, and it shows in her actions and dialogue. She’s opposed to evil outfits like the Dark Brotherhood, and she possesses a strong sense of compassion and justice. She can be found near the Bee and Barb Inn within Riften.

Players will need to locate her sword Grimsever and maintain a positive relationship with Mjoll in order to earn her trust. After doing so, though, she’ll grant them her unwavering loyalty and prowess in combat. There are characters who have more impressive stats, but she has a special charm that feels pure and honest, a rare quality that makes Mjoll one of the best quest reward followers in Skyrim.

14 Ingjard Doesn’t Judge As A Skyrim Follower

Ingjard sitting at a table in Skyrim, wearing leather armor and wielding a large weapon on her back.

As a Nord, Ingjard has 50% resistance to frost, which makes her especially strong against ice-based foes or those who wield magical powers. Her only downfall lies in that she prefers two-handed weapons, meaning that she can be chipped down by enemies that attack quickly; but as long as players approach battles with caution, Ingjard can be one of the best companions in Skyrim.

She can be recruited after completing the “Prophet” quest, which is part of the main quest in the Dawnguard DLC. Fittingly, she is one of the few followers who will still unquestioningly follow the Dragonborn if they’re a vampire, speaking volumes about her loyalty. She also doesn’t have a level cap, meaning she will grow as powerful as the player will allow throughout the course of their travels.

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13 Erandur Is Skyrim’s Pettiest Priest

A portrait of Erandur in his mage cloak in Skyrim, looking down at the camera with an angry expression.

Dawnstar ranks poorly against other Skyrim cities, but Erandur is conversely one of the game’s most complex characters. He can be found at the Windpeak Inn, and it’s there that he triggers a quest to save the town’s people from a vicious and malevolent force that invades their dreams. The player must team up with him to complete the “Walking Nightmare” quest, at which point he can be recruited.

He’s a rather stoic and uncharismatic character, but his combat abilities make Erandur one of Skyrim‘s best followers nonetheless. He harbors some solid magic skills in battle, and when things get up close and personal, he’ll even bust out a mace to defend himself.

12 Vilkas Is A Wise Companion In Skyrim

A portrait of Vilkas from Skyrim, looking directly into the camera with a stoic expression.

The brother of fellow lycanthropic Nord Farkas, Skyrim‘s Vilkas is a master-level trainer in the art of two-handed weapons. He offers some in-depth dialogue options in comparison to his sibling and is considered the most intellectual member of the Companions, who possess Skyrim‘s werewolf blood.

He does well in battle against foes, but he lacks the same punch as his brother. Still, while not as physically powerful as Farkas, he’s quite effective in combat, and his chatty nature can keep the player company as they’re traveling through the wilderness.

11 Jenassa Is A Passionate Killer In Skyrim

A close-up shot of Skyrim's Jenassa looking stern and professional with yellow war paint on.

Considering that the Dark Elf Jenassa is one of Skyrim‘s best followers, it’s a blessing that she spends most of her time in the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun, making her one of the earliest, most easily accessible companions. Although she loves her mead, she’s no slouch in battle; she’s an expert archer that can trek into the most dangerous places while wearing heavy armor if so desired.

Although her cold-blooded nature can be unnerving, it can end up being beneficial to the Dragonborn. She’s one of few followers who won’t reprimand the player if they partake in less-than-legal activities, and so they’ll practically be able to commit every possible crime in Skyrim with ease, as long as Jenassa is by their side.

10 Aela The Huntress Is A Fierce Skyrim Follower

A close-up portrait of Aela the Huntress from Skyrim looking angry.

Aela is a member of the Companions, a master trainer in archery, and one of Skyrim‘s strongest followers. Being the most fanatical member of the Circle, she’s the only one who refuses to be cured of her lycanthropy. She constantly talks about being a werewolf – and all the bloodshed and hunting that it entails – with obvious passion.

She’s also one of Skyrim‘s best marriage options, provided players don’t mind hearing about the wonders and blessings of being a werewolf on a routine basis. But as a fighter, Aela is extremely capable and worthy of taking along on a trip or two. Following in her story leads players to “The Silver Hand,” one of the best quests in the base game.

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9 Eola Is A Creepy Skyrim Cannibal

A portrait of Eola sitting in a high-backed chair in Skyrim.

Although not quite as terrifying as a Skyrim glitch involving Lydia, Eola certainly still bears the distinction of being one of the more unsettling followers in the entire game. She’s not particularly moral or good-natured, due mostly to her cannibalistic tendencies. In fact, she even can convince the player to join her cult, where they can partake in the feasting of human flesh.

For those who don’t mind going down the road less traveled, Eola will quickly become one of the best companions in Skyrim. She’s an expert when it comes to sneaking, and she can even resurrect dead corpses and use them in battle. Her only drawback is a lack of heavy armor and weaponry, which can make her more vulnerable in a fight.

8 Teldryn Sero Is A Jack Of All Trades In Skyrim

A portrait of Teldryn Sero in his chitin armor in Skyrim.

Few characters are as versatile and tough as Teldryn Sero, and he continues to impress as a Skyrim mercenary who is actually worth hiring. Players will need to own the Dragonborn DLC to unlock this spellsword, at which point they can take advantage of his excellent combat prowess and tactical efficiency.

Sero wields Elven weapons and Chitin armor, which is an odd combination, but it clearly works. He can also wield magic alongside one-handed weapons, which is an extra bonus. Aside from his battle skills, he’s also a chatterbox who can keep conversations going for a while.

7 Illia Makes Use Of Magic As A Skyrim Follower

A close-up of the mage Illia from Skyrim wearing a dark hood and robes.

Mage followers are scarce in Skyrim, but Illia is one of the best. She can be found at the Darklight Tower near Riften, wherein the player must help her kill her opportunistic mother (who is attempting to transform into a Hagraven). Once completed, though, she’ll be happy to join the Dragonborn in their adventures.

Illia is highly proficient in frost-based spells, particularly Ice Spike – which can deal incredible amounts of damage, even compared to the other strongest mage followers in Skyrim. She’s vulnerable in close quarters, but as an offensive support character, she brings a highly valuable set of skills to the table.

6 J’zargo Is The Best Khajiit Follower In Skyrim

J'zargo in the Mage's College in Skyrim aiming beam of magic facing away from the camera in a great hall.

J’zargo is a Khajiit apprentice mage who can be found at Skyrim‘s College Of Winterhold, but despite still being in pursuit of his education, he’s an extremely wieldy wizard who uses a variety of skills and elemental attacks in battle. He can come off as somewhat of a jerk at times, but he’s still a good companion to have on the road, as his dry comments are bound to make the Dragonborn crack a smile at the least.

The Khajiit are a mysterious race, but it’s well-known that very few of them tend to wield magic. Traditionally, they’re tied to shadowy guilds, sneaky professions, and the Khajiit’s most disturbing Skyrim lore, which contribute to their poor reputation. It’s rare to see them pursue the arcane arts, making J’Zargo equally unique as he is powerful as a Skyrim companion.

5 Cicero Is A Calculated Clown In Skyrim

A close-up porttrait of Cicero of the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim with his face obscured in shadows.

Incredibly divisive among players, but unquestionably talented, Cicero is the overly passionate keeper of the Dark Brotherhood’s Night Mother in Skyrim. If players can tolerate his bizarre behavior and oddball ramblings, they’ll find an effective and terrifying assassin who will slit the throats of enemies with ease, but also randomly break out in dance at the most inappropriate moments.

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Cicero has some surprisingly complex dialogue too, meaning he can keep the game’s long, winding trails interesting. His combat abilities, mixed with his penchant for delivering zany one-liners and stories, make him a memorable alternative to the traditional warrior type.

4 Argis The Bulwark Is A Self-Assured Skyrim Follower

A close-up portrait of Argis the Bulwark with a face tattoo in Skyrim.

For good old-fashioned strength and stopping power though, Argis The Bulwark is hard to beat. He can be found in Skyrim‘s most interesting city, Markarth. In a fight, it’s hard to beat his efficiency with weapons, as well as his experience with heavy armor.

In addition to being a loyal fighter, Argis also sports some entertaining (and at times, overly cocky) dialogue, which alludes to his Nordic origins. With his battle prowess and confident nature at their side, players can rest assured knowing they have one of Skyrim‘s best followers as reliable backup.

3 Lydia Is An Underrated Follower In Skyrim

A face portrait of Lydia from Skyrim, looking wistfully away from the camera.

Probably the most recognizable housecarl from Skyrim, Lydia holds her ground surprisingly well alongside the Dragonborn. She’s incredibly well-rounded as a character, and one of the game’s best marriage options too, making her a solid fit for any adventure.

Plus, she’s usually the first Skyrim follower that players encounter, which means that they can spend almost the entire game with her, if desired. She’s sworn to carry the Dovahkiin’s burdens, but she’s capable of practically everything else as their companion (even after Lydia has died in Skyrim).

2 Frea Brings Skaal Techniques To Skyrim

A side profile shot of Frea from Skyrim against a hazy teal-and-white background.

Frea can be found at the Skaal Village, which is part of the Dragonborn DLC pack. The daughter of the village shaman, Frea is an astute warrior with some serious mental fortitude, making her one of the most loyal followers in Skyrim. Plus, she’s one of the few characters who can dual-wield weapons, which can offer an interesting change of pace.

This follower is capable of leveling up continuously, which is handy for those who want to pick one follower for the duration of the game. Players may have a hard time persuading her to accompany them if their speech isn’t high enough, though, so they might want to practice their speaking skills before attempting to recruit Frea as a follower in Skyrim.

1 Serana Is The Best Follower In Skyrim

Serana from Skyrim in a dark room, holding an Elder Scroll and looking into the camera with red eyes.

However, Skyrim‘s best follower is Serana. As one of the few pure-blood vampires to exist in the Elder Scrolls universe, she is a central component to the main quest in the Dawnguard DLC. She’s also one of the most advanced followers in the game and will interact with the environment in complex ways, often commenting on the state of the Dragonborn’s situation, unlike others who only sport generic, repetitive dialogue.

Combat-wise, she’s a powerful necromancer that will raise all types of dead enemies to fight alongside her and the player in battle, even switching to melee weapons when her mana pool runs dry. Between her thoughtful conversations, unique vampire quirks, and ability to literally resurrect the dead, it’s plain to see that Serana is the best follower in Skyrim.

Source: GameVibz/YouTube

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