Shang-Chi’s Simu Liu on Doctor Strange 2 Rumors: Please Stop Asking

Simu Liu told fans “Do not ask again” if he will appear in Doctor Strange in the Mad Multiverse. Liu plays Shang-Chi in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is rumored to appear in Shang-Chi. multiverse madnessin the second period Sorcerer Supreme series. Shang-Chi is the best martial artist in the Marvel Universe and received the powerful alien technology “Ten Rings” from Makruu at the end of his solo movie.

Love Qi Huang finally found Shang Qi and Katie. Since the Sorcerer Supreme is interested in him and the Ten Rings, Liu joins the sequel Sorcerer Supreme Movies seem more likely. Unlike other recent Marvel projects like Spider-Man: No Way HomeBefore the movie was released, there were many leaks, big information was announced Strange Doctor 2 is still very low. As a result, the lack of information has led many fans to question what kind of surprises Marvel might be trying to keep, such as the arrival of Shang-Chi.

In a recent post, Liu asked fans “Please don’t ask me if I’m in Doctor Strange.” In the actor’s New Year wishes post, he describes 2021 as “The most incredible year of my life” Liu told his fans “Honestly, I don’t know how much clearer I could be.” Despite being displeased to be frequently asked if Shang-Chi will appear in “Shang-Chi” Strange Doctor 2the actor signed the deal with ease, telling his fans that they are “Best fan ever.” Screenshots from his Instagram story are as follows:

Liu has had to repeatedly deny claims of his involvement in recent months, telling interviewers that he would not appear. Mediumcrazy multiverse The film already includes an all-star cast, with Rachel McAdams returning as Kristen Palmer, Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch, and an MCU newcomer, starring Sochitel Gomez played by America Chavez and the others. Strange Doctor 2Liu Shangqi’s identity will not appear inappropriate.

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While this request may keep Liu from being asked about it in the future, it is unlikely to stop rumors and discussion among fans. A lot of actors had to deny participating in the MCU project, and they still showed up in the end, so even Shang-Chi will be part of the MCU. multiverse madnessIf this appearance was a surprise, Liu wouldn’t tell anyone. While this theory is intriguing, fans may have to wait until Doctor Strange in the Mad Multiverse Post to find out if Shang Chi is participating.

Source: Simu Liu via Instagram

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