Shameless: Frank’s Greatest Lovers, Ranked

With his alcoholism, unkempt appearance, and his utter disregard for anything that doesn’t benefit himself, its surprising frank has actually had as many relationships as he has had on Shameless.

But nevertheless, Frank’s list of conquests and long term relationships is actually pretty impressive. None of them have seemed to stick (except alcohol) but one can hope that he has gained something from each of these lovers he has had in the last 10 season of Shameless.


Frank dated Dottie in season 2 for one terrible reason; wanted her pension money. Dottie, who Frank lovingly nicknamed “Butterface” needs a heart transplant and will die soon without it. Frank learns she has no living relatives so he undergoes a plan to win her over and be listed as her beneficiary for her pension from working for the state. The two actually bond in the process and she knows what he’s up to but shes so lonely she doesn’t seem to mind. But Frank commits his most despicable act yet by listening to the doctors when they call with the news that she has a heart ready for her. He tells them she has already passed, and then proceeds to literally screw her to death. It’s not his best relationship but the two shared some nice moments.


In the season finale of season 10, we learn about yet another one of Franks’s conquests. When hearing that Ian’s wedding will be held at the Polish Doll he panics, as one of his ex-flings is the owner and the two didn’t end on good terms. Viewers learn that Frank was sleeping with her while she was married and ran scared when the husband came home one day. The two seem to make up in the end, as the last we see of Frank is him deep in a makeout session with Zuzzy at the wedding reception.

The Moms From Liam’s School

In season the opening episode of season 9, Frank finds himself catching the eye of the many desperate moms at Liam’s new private school and takes advantage of the situation, managing to sleep with almost all of them, married or not. He thinks he has gotten away with it until there seems to be an STD outbreak throughout the school’s parents.

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All the parents are contained in the gymnasium of the school to trace the STDs to the source and to treat everyone. of course, the source ends up being Frank and all the husbands simultaneously find out about their wives’ infidelity. It creates a hilarious situation for frank to talk his way out of while being attached to an IV bag full of antibiotics.

Faye Donahue

Faye (Elizabeth Rodriguez) comes into Franks’s life in season 10 and although her intentions are to make him pay for her high school sweetheart’s arrest years ago, the two fall into a relationship of sorts when she realizes she enjoys her time with him. When she leaves to go visit family she hints that she would want to see him again when she gets back and Frank seemed interested in the idea. Or maybe it was more her big empty house and Towncar she left behind.

Shelia Jackson

Shelia Jackson (Joan Cusak) may very well have loved Frank more than he loved her and it was only due to her trickery that the two became married. But Frank did exhibit some good qualities when he was with her and the storylines involving her seemed to save the show. He was around more, not wandering around randomly drunk now that he had a home and a hot meal always waiting for him. And the sex might not be exactly what Frank was used to but he seemed to get something out of it. Sheila would have been a great housewife for Frank, her eccentric personality allowing her to see the good in Frank.

Ingrid Jones

Katey Sagal is great as the bipolar psychiatrist that Frank falls for in season 9. Fans could see Frank with the neurotic Ingrid as she brought out the side of him he felt when he was with Monica but Ingrid was a lot more intelligent. But when Ingrid was on her medication she wasn’t as fun to Frank so he has a hand in causing her to abandon her medication and let her mental condition take over. But Frank is in way over his head and, unable to control her, he’s left alone. Even after tricking Carl into producing sperm and using it to give Ingrid the children she wanted. She complimented Frank’s energy well when she was off her meds but it was destined to end the way it did, just as it did with Monica.

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Queenie Slott

Queenie was the ex we learn about in season 4. when Frank reveals he has another daughter during his search for anew liver. Sammi turns out not to be a match but Frank still wins a prize when he reconnects with old flame Queenie in season 6 when she comes to take care of Chuckie while Sammi serves time for shooting at Mickey. The two seem to be smitten and viewers actually rooted for the two until they move to her commune and Frank is unable to deal with her being polyamorous. She brings out a level of happiness in Frank that is unseen by the other women in his life, as she was good at making him relax and feel at peace with her spiritual awareness and gifts.


Monica is the tornado that comes into Franks’s life every so often until she tragically dies from a cerebral hemorrhage at the end of season 7. She is the mother to all his children and every time she comes back into town Frank seems to drop everything for her. They understand each other and enjoy committing indecent acts together but she may also be toxic for him.

Her bipolar condition causes her to lash out and behave impulsively and often selfishly. She has cheated on him and abandoned him numerous times and she’s far from a stable partner. But underneath everything, the two do genuinely care for each other and Monica has given him some of his best memories and his children, which he sometimes seems to care about.

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Bianca might have been the only person to ever make Frank think about someone else more than himself. Sure, many can argue that he felt deeply for Monica and she was his greatest love but Frank grieved more when Bianca passed away than when Monica did.  Frank was more concerned about what to do with Monica’s stash after her death than anything else whereas when he lost Bianca he fell into a funk and wasn’t quite himself for a bit. Maybe if things were different Bianca could have changed Franks’s heart but part of what made Frank were their similar personality types, mainly caused by her bittersweet attitude from being diagnosed with cancer. But out of all of Franks’ relationships, Bianca seems to be the one that thawed his heart the most.


Bianca might have been close to claiming Frank’s heart but his heart, and live, belonged to one more than most. There’s no denying it that frank’s greatest love seems to be alcohol itself. Even when his health is at stake Frank never gives the stuff up, even as he almost dies repeatedly due to the addictive liquid. In fact, it’s due to his love of beer that he blows up Sheila’s house while making the brew in her basement. He would do almost anything for the drink and put everything before it, its always his number one priority.. and isn’t that what love is about? 

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