Rosamund Pike questions the true intentions of the wellness industry and believes they are ‘ripping us off’

Rosamund Pike is putting the true intentions of the wellness industry in the spotlight.

While promoting his upcoming BBC audio drama, People who knew meThe 44-year-old actress was questioned about Goop and other similar companies, and there she revealed that she feels that society is being scammed by all of this.

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In the series, there are apparently some “satirical” jokes about the wellness industry, including Gwyneth Paltrow. clingy.

“I think the wellness industry is misleading us all,” he told The Guardian.

Rosamund went on to say that “this idea that it is no longer enough to be healthy and that we have to be ‘well’ is something that needs to be challenged.”

“However, it is very seductive because it seeks things that people are ashamed to desire, such as youth, beauty and fitness,” he added. “#MeToo gave women the opportunity to escape some of the demands placed on them. Now, in a way, people are voluntarily returning to being controlled, but in a different way, by these statements of well-being.”

“It’s politicized our food, it’s politicized our exercise, and I think it’s really dangerous,” Rosamund shared.

You can listen to the BBC audio drama now.

In a recent interview, Gwyneth herself revealed the strangest wellness treatment she’s ever tried.

Categories: Biography

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