Rise Of Skywalker Improved Return Of The Jedi’s Throne Room Scene

Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker it has been improved return of jediPresents the Throne Room scene by providing additional context to the Palpatine.this master plan Star Wars The sequel trilogy takes a lot of inspiration from the original trilogy, using similarities as key storytelling tools while still trying to push the Skywalker story in new directions. Star Wars: The Force Awakens Considered by many to be a direct retelling of the original Star Wars – Now more known new hope. the rise of skywalkerHowever, while perhaps exploiting fan service and nostalgia to the point of overkill, it serves a purpose. return of jediorgasmic feelings.

When the rise of skywalker Bringing Palpatine back, understandably this is an over-reliance on the original story Star Wars triangle. The ultimate climax return of jedi And the rise of skywalker However, please share some similarities to give a more interesting explanation for Palpatine’s nefarious schemes. While some are obvious, such as Rey being the ultimate key to Kylo Ren’s redemption, as well as Luke Skywalker being the catalyst for Darth Vader, Palpatine’s impact on his opponents is IN the rise of skywalker This gives new depth to my plans return of jediThe throne room scene.

The Rise of Skywalker Reveals the True Return of Palpatine’s Jedi Trap

both the rise of skywalker And return of jedi Palpatine angers his enemies, trying to get them to admit his hatred.exist return of jediPalpatine used Luke’s concern about the existence of the Rebel Alliance to incite the anger of the young Jedi.exist the rise of skywalkerPalpatine also wanted Rey to take him down in a fit of rage so she could succeed him as heir to the Sith throne. But, the rise of skywalkerThe scene includes an extra detail that hasn’t been mentioned before return of jedi – Palpatine’s legacy and nature are passed on to those who killed him.

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As Palpatine says in the scene where he and Rey face each other for the first time, “Your hatred, your anger. You will kill me. This is what I want. Kill me, and my soul will enter your body. Because all Sith live in me, you will be queen. We will be one.The parallels between Palpatine taunting Luke and his plans with Rey certainly suggest that the Emperor expected Luke to kill him, and then he wanted to possess the murderer’s body. Having Luke will end the Jedi threat once and for all, just like having Rey. That’s what Palpatine always wanted.

Why Palpatine’s Return of the Jedi Fails

Emperor Palpatine smiles in his throne room in Return of the Jedi

If Palpatine has a plan return of jediEQUAL the rise of skywalker shows that there is a very specific reason why this plan is not working. Palpatine tried to manipulate Luke into his rage, just as Palpatine manipulated Anakin Skywalker twenty years ago. However, by that time Anakin had given up hope. His mother was killed, his wife was dying, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Luke, though nearly succumbing to fear and hatred during his duel with Vader, has never truly lost hope. His rejection of Palpatine’s manipulation closed the possibility of Palpatine finishing off the Jedi.

And, while Vader ended up killing Palpatine, it wasn’t an act of anger or hatred. It was out of love, out of concern for my son’s safety. If Palpatine needs someone to take him down in a fit of rage, then Luke’s optimism and remnants of Anakin’s past completely thwart his plans, as Rey’s dependence on all the Jedi, love Her love for her resistance friends as well as her successful redemption, Ben Solo also gave her the strength to fight. in spite of the rise of skywalker has its downsides, it manages to deliver some return of jediThe most powerful scene.

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