Revelations from Princess Catherine’s (aka Kate Middleton’s) podcast appearance: She played beer pong, swam in ice water, and more

Princess Catherine, Prince William and Princess Anne appeared on Mike Tindall. The good, the bad and rugby podcast recently for a fun and lighthearted conversation.

If you don’t know, Mike is a former rugby player who is married to Princess Anne’s daughter, Zara.

In the podcast, some fun tidbits were discovered.

Keep reading to know more…

First of all, they talked about competitiveness in sports.

“I’m not competitive at all,” Kate said sheepishly, to which Mike replied, “I’ve seen her play beer pong!”

Kate then said that she and Prince William get competitive, sharing, “I don’t think we ever managed to finish a tennis match, the two of us. It becomes a mental challenge between the two of us.”

Another curious fact? The princess loves to swim in ice water.

“Cold swimming: the colder the better. I love it. A little bit to the point where William’s [going] ‘You’re crazy!’ Like it’s dark and raining… I’ll go get cold water. I love it,” she shared.

He also shared a little about his childhood.

She said: “I guess as a family we were very active. I always remember being physical, using our bodies, whether it was walking, climbing the Lake District in Scotland, swimming from a young age… [my parents] “We were always encouraged to be physically active and athletic and we were always encouraged to do team sports and try things.”

Discover the most popular member of the royal family (it’s not Princess Catherine!)

Categories: Biography

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