Pokémon GO: How To Find (& Catch) Shiny Galarian Weezing

Pokémon GO introduced several new Pokémon Galar Shiny. This guide will show players how to find and catch Shiny Galariel Ticks.

Shiny Galarian Weezing is being added Pokémon GO. Shiny Pokémon is the hardest Pokémon to meet Pokémon GO Because their breeding opportunities are extremely limited. Pokémon GO They are easier to find than the main games, and finding them still requires luck. As part of the upcoming Ultra Unlock Part 3 event Pokémon GO, a handful of Galarian Pokémon will take on Shiny form for the first time. In this group is Galarian Weezing, a giant goblin/poison Pokémon with a foam mustache. This guide will show players how to find and catch this shiny Pokémon.

Galarian Weezing was one of the first Pokémon introduced to a specific region Sword and Shield Pokémon. Sword and Shield Pokémon Continuing the trend of creating regional variations of classic Pokémon. This includes Pokémon like Galarian Zigzagoon and Galarian Stunfisk. Since Ultra Unlocked Part 3 Events Pokémon GO Will introduce a set of Pokémon Galarian from Sword and Shield, including the legendary Zacian and Zamazenta, players will likely be looking for these shiny new additions. Shiny Hunting is all about luck, but that’s exactly why it’s got some fans so excited. Finding Shiny Pokémon can take anywhere from a few minutes to several months. This guide will show players how they can increase Pokémon GO.

How to Find (and Catch) Shiny Galarian Weezing in Pokemon Go

Galarian Weezing in the City setting in Pokemon Go

Shiny Galarian Weezing will be added Pokémon GO As part of the Ultra Unlock Part 3 campaign. The event kicks off on Friday, August 20 at 10 a.m. local time. Here are all the different ways that players can come across.

  • In the Wild: Players can encounter Shiny Galarian Weezing during normal gameplay. All in all, this can be a very rare encounter, but the player can use the Lure or Incense Module to increase the spawn rate of all nearby Pokémon, which will increase the chance of an encounter. with shiny Galarian Weezing.
  • Raids: During the first week of Ultra Unlocks Part 3, players will be able to battle Galarian Weezing in 3-star Raids. Two or three people should team up to challenge this Pokémon and defeat it easily. A shiny form of Galarian Weezing will appear during the capture phase.
See also  Pokémon GO: How to Find (& Catch) Mega Latios

It’s interesting to see Niantic skip Alola as this is the next area in the lineup. While seeing Galar being introduced to Pokémon GO Too soon, it raises the question of when Alola will officially launch. It may take a while, but Galar’s Pokémon will definitely keep players busy until then.

Pokémon GO Now available on iOS and Android.

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