Phasmophobia: How to Find (& Use) the Music Box

Kinetics game Obsessions Brings new updates like the cursed music box for players to experiment with on their contract. One of the six cursed items added to the update, the Music Box, is useful for collecting clues, but using it can be very risky. Players activating items in the wrong places can accidentally trigger a hunt that can kill someone very quickly, which is why it’s important to figure out exactly how these attributes work. this cursed nature Obsessions Can be very helpful.

Phasmophobia is a cooperative multiplayer horror game developed by Kinetic Games, where the player assumes the role of a paranormal researcher. The goal is to fulfill a contract by investigating a haunted area and meeting certain criteria, such as taking a picture of the ghost with a camera or finding its fingerprints with a UV flashlight. When the player is able to collect three clues and identify the type of ghost haunting the area, they have successfully completed the mission.

Whenever a player initiates a contract, one of the six cursed items will appear in the area. A maximum of one item can exist per mission, so players can rest assured that there will be no other cursed items in the area when they are found. Each item has a specific spawn point, but can spawn in multiple locations on each map, so players looking for a specific cursed item should check its spawn location first. . Music boxes can be one of the hardest items to find Obsessions Update, as it’s a relatively small brown box, but its lid will always be open, which might help players spot it.

How to find and use music boxes in phobias

The Music Box is one of the most useful cursed items added, as it helps players identify haunted houses quickly and relatively safely. Activating it will make it play a tune that the ghost will sing along to. The player can track the singing to identify the room where the singing is. However, it can only be activated once, and using it unprepared can be very dangerous, as using it near ghosts can be fatal.

If the ghost approaches the music box while playing, it will show up and go towards the music box. If it stays near the music box for more than five seconds or touches the music box, it will Obsessions This is unavoidable. Therefore, players should avoid carrying it when hunting ghosts, as it can lead to a cursed hunt, instead choose a safe area to drop it in while the music box plays, before following watch the song.


Obsessions: How to Find (and Use) Music Boxes

  • Sanctuary Location 1: The player can find the first spawn of a powerful cursed item by walking right after entering a building and continuing until it hits a wall.
  • Shelter 2: After entering the building, go left and find it on the right wall in the corner.
  • Shelter Location 3: In the middle of the hallway, not far from the front door.
  • Sanctuary location 4: There is another location in the lobby to the right of the reception.
  • Sanctuary Location 5: Another possible spawn point is in the dentist’s room to the right of the lobby reception.
  • Sanctuary Site 6: Office 3 on the left of the hall.
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Blaisdale Farm

  • Bleasdale 1st Place: To start, they start with Obsessions Christmas Update, north view of the living room on the first floor.
  • Bleasdale Location 2: Again, on the ground floor, players can find another location near the west wall of the office.
  • Bleasdale location 3: Last location on the first floor, to the right of the door leading to the bathroom.
  • Bleasdale Location 4: The player can find the spawn point in the girl’s room on the north side of the second floor.
  • Bleasdale Location 5: On the second floor, the player can find this item in the south boy’s room.
  • Bleasdale location 6: The last spawn point on the second floor is to the right of the door leading to the bathroom in front of the men’s room.
  • Bleasdale Location 7: The last location of the farm is northeast of the loft.

brownstone high school

Obsessions: How to Find (and Use) Music Boxes

  • School Location 1: The first appearance of the music box in the co-op horror game is in the lobby between the east wall.
  • School Location 2: If the player walks along the main hallway behind the hall, they can find the music box on the left, right in front of the cafeteria door.
  • School Location 3: If the player continues through the same corridor, another spawn location will appear in the third door to the right of the fifth classroom.
  • School Location 4: The final spawn can be found by turning left in the hallway and climbing the platform between the two floors.

Edgefield Street House

  • Edgefield location 1: Get cursed items and fight ghosts now smarter ObsessionsThe player can find it near the north wall of the living room on the first floor.
  • Edgefield 2: The second possible location is also on the ground floor near the east wall of the garage.
  • Edgefield Location 3: From the second floor, this item can be left of the player as they exit the stairs.
  • Edgefield Location 4: If the player continues behind the stairs, the last door on the right will lead to an orange bedroom with a spawn point on the north side.
  • Edgefield 5: The final location where the music box can be placed is in the master bedroom and should be on the left side when the player enters, between the two doors.
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Grafton Farm

Phasmophobia Maple Lodge Campground

  • Grafton location 1: Start looking for music boxes on this map and get better equipped to deal ObsessionsThe player can start by searching the area behind the stairs of the division lobby in the middle east of the room.
  • Grafton Position 2: The second spawn point on this level is in the middle of the large living room in the center of the house.
  • Grafton 3 Location: The last possible location on the first floor is to the right of the west window of the workshop.
  • Grafton 4: The first chance to find the music box on the second floor is after climbing the stairs to the right.
  • Grafton 5 Location: If the player continues up the stairs to the right, they will find a bedroom with a spawn point in front of the south window.
  • Grafton 6: The last spawn location on this map is in the nursery to the left of the stairs, in front of the south window.

Maple Campground

  • Camp Location 1: Players can find a spawn location near the entrance to this new camp Obsessions Map, in the northwest corner of the women’s restroom.
  • Camp Location 2: If they continue on the central road, they will see a few tents. One of the locations is inside the red.
  • Camp Location 3: Going left along that path will lead to a bonfire where the fire is burning, just a few steps north of the fire pit.
  • Campsite 4: Instead, if the player goes right along the central path, they will see a large storage tent to the left that can hold a music box.
  • Campsite 5: The final site is located just outside the cabin near the picnic area, in front of the window to the right of the stairs.


Twin ghosts haunting the hallways

  • Prison Location 1: After unlocking this map Obsessionsplayers will have a chance to find this item at the beginning, right in front of the door.
  • Prison Location 2: Second Chance is in the Clinic, second door on the left.
  • Prison Location 3: If the player turns left after exiting the main hallway entrance, they can find items a few feet away from the left door leading to Guest Security.
  • Prison Location 4: Alternatively, the player can turn right in the hallway and go to the first door on the right that leads to the executive corridor. The position is next to the door, to the right of the player entering the door.

House on Ridgeview Road

  • Ridgeview Location 1: This cursed item’s first spawn location, help players ObsessionsONE Right in front of the entrance near the wall on the right before reaching the stairs.
  • Ridgeview 2: The player can turn left past the kitchen to find a small utility room where the music box can also appear.
  • Ridgeview location 3: Crossing the corridor will lead to the garage and the last spawn point on this level, located in the northeast corner.
  • Ridgeview 4: The player can find the stairs leading to the basement in the kitchen, another possible location can be found by turning right after going down the stairs.
  • Ridgeview Position 5: To get to the second floor, the player should skip the first bedroom and go to the second door in the girl’s bedroom, look left after entering and try to find the music box.
  • Ridgeview Site 6: The final location is in the boy’s bedroom at the end of the hallway, across from the door.
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Tanglewood town house

Strange photo of a house in Phasmophobia

  • Tanglewood 1 Location: Different from newer maps in Obsessions, you can quickly search for Tanglewood. Once inside, the player can turn left and look for the first spawn point to the right of the door leading to the main bathroom.
  • Tanglewood Location 2: To the right of this location is the door leading to the Arboretum, where the Music Box can appear when the player enters near the south wall.
  • Tanglewood Position 3: On the north side of the nursery is the master bedroom. If the player goes inside, they can find another spawn location a few steps away from the room on the right.
  • Tanglewood 4 Location: If the player turns right along the entrance corridor instead, they will find the kitchen and dining room. The location appears somewhere near the middle of the Western Wall.
  • Tanglewood 5 Location: The final spawn point is in the garage, which can be found in the southwest corner.

Liu Jie Long

  • Willow location 1: First chance to find a music box that helps fight new ghosts Obsessions Just to the left of the entrance as the player enters.
  • Willow location 2: Going through the kitchen and going straight to the left will lead to a wall in the garage. To the right of the wall in the corner is one of the spawnable locations.
  • Willow location 3: If the player goes directly north of the kitchen instead, it will lead to a window in the hallway, in front of which the music box can appear.
  • Willow Location 4: From there going left will lead to the master bedroom, the player may have a chance to find the cursed item in the southwest corner.
  • Willow location 5: Last location in the basement hallway, past the point between the two doors, near the north wall.

Obsessions Available on PC.

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