Peacock’s John Wayne Gacy: Devil In Disguise: 5 Things The Series Doesn’t Tell You (& 5 You Learn)

Often referred to as the murderous clown, John Wayne Gacy has many other stories of assaulting and murdering at least 33 young men during the 1970s.

Peacock throws hat at true crime with limited series John Wayne Gacy: Devil in Human, one of the streaming service’s newest originals. Produced by Rod Blackhurst, the man behind Amanda Knox, the series reveals the timeline of the murder investigation and details Gacy’s personal life before and after his conviction. Several key figures are interviewed in the six-hour episode, including FBI records officer Robert Ressler’s 1992 interview with Gacy, which has never been made public before.

Although the series reveals a lot of facts about the killer that most people don’t know, there are still some details left out.

Learning: Others can join

True crime documents reveal that Gacy may not have acted alone. His construction company, PDM Contractors, had a number of teenagers and young adults working for him, many of whom eventually became his victims. But there were two who were never killed: Michael Rossi and David Cram.

Both men did odd jobs for Gacy, including digging graves in the small space of his house, where they were supposed to fix plumbing. But the fact that they were told things like lime was poured in the area, that Rosie was spotted driving one of Gacy’s missing victims, and that they might have had sex with Gacy raised suspicions. that they may be related. or at least more aware of what’s going on than they admit.

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Without telling you: Where is Michael Rossi now?

Old black and white photographs of Michael Rossi

As revealed in the true crime documentary series, David Crumb committed suicide in 2001, while Michael Rossi was still alive. Many of those interviewed for the series urged him to provide more details about Gacy’s actions that they think he might have committed, which may have left the families still unfinished. see missing members have to close down.

There is so much confusion about Rossi’s relationship with Gacy and his likelihood of being involved, unintentionally or not. One of the things that really baffled the plaintiffs was that Rossi had a very expensive, well-connected lawyer when he testified.

Learning: Clown work has nothing to do with it

John Wayne Gacy is wearing a clown costume and holding a balloon.

Gacy dressed up as Pogo Clown or Patches Clown and performed at hospitals and other events as a means to seduce victims. In fact, this visual effect has inspired many horror movies about killer clowns. But a common misconception is that he is using work to attract children, which is not true at all.

While Gacy occasionally plays the Joker, there is no evidence that any part of his life is associated with the dark side. Instead, the series deals with Gacy’s construction business, in which he hires young men to help as his primary means of finding and luring his victims.

Won’t Tell You: His Medical Condition Was Never Diagnosed

Black and white photo of young John Wayne Gacy in a suit

Gacy mentions that he once fainted prematurely, possibly as a result of a heart attack. However, the series doesn’t imply that Gacy’s abusive father doesn’t believe Gacy’s condition is real and thinks he’s faking it to get attention.

Whatever the truth, Gacy’s condition was never officially diagnosed, even though he spent a lot of time in and out of the hospital as a child and teen.

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Find out: People believe there is another cemetery

John Wayne Gacy's apartment building

Most agree that there may be more of Gacy’s victims buried elsewhere, or even killed in different states. But one place in particular deserves special mention where some believe the body might be buried: where Gacy used to clean and where his mother lived. Many neighbors reported seeing him lurking late at night, sometimes carrying a heavy bag.

Police report that the area has been searched but found nothing, but others believe that real and complete excavation will be needed to find bone fragments that may have been there. Wherever the body is, there are likely to be other unsolved murders involving Gacy.

Won’t tell you: where are his children?

Black and white photo of John Wayne Gacy and ex-wife Marlene Miles

The series deals with Gacy becoming a father in 1966 and becoming a father again in 1967 when his two children, Michael and Christine, were born. But understandably, their whereabouts today remain unresolved. It’s no surprise that the two have never talked about their relationship with their father and try to stay out of the public eye.

Chances are, like the children of serial killers mentioned in many other true-crime documentaries, they changed their names to remain anonymous. Both are now in their 50s and may already have families and careers of their own. This book Killer Clown: The John Wayne Gacy Murders Gacy points out that after his divorce from his wife Marlynn, Gacy never saw his children, so they might not even remember the time spent with him because they were so young at the time.

Research: Some victims may have been misidentified

Image of John Wayne Gacy's young victim, Michael Marino

It is theorized that some of the victims may have been misidentified. Back in the 70s, authorities had to rely entirely on dental records. In particular, a mother dug up the body after she always felt it was not her son.

After a long process, Michael Marino’s mother claims they have found evidence that the body is not her son’s. This may also be the case for other organizations. Meanwhile, some remain unidentified to this day.

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Didn’t Tell You: Gacy Hired Staff To Terrorize Victims

John Wayne Gacy in a 1992 interview.

The series discusses the sexual assault story of 15-year-old Donald Voorhees in 1967, who bravely told his story, leading to Gacy’s conviction. But it does not discuss how Gacy authorized employee Russell Schroeder to threaten Voorhis to prevent him from testifying.

Schroeder allegedly took Voorhees to a park, sprayed him in the eye with a mace, and beat him. When Voorhees reported the assault and determined that Schroeder was the culprit, Schroeder was arrested before it was revealed that Gacy had hired him.

Study: He has a good relationship

Black and white photo of John Wayne Gacy in a suit

Not only does Gacy have many political connections, but the series also suggests that there may be some cover-up involved because of those relationships. He is not a hermit, but a well-known figure in the community, the complete opposite of what some people think of a serial killer.

As captain of the Democratic district, he also has political ambitions of his own. In addition to his ability to lie and manipulate people, including the police, and to constantly switch subjects to divert attention away from him, some believe his status in society has something to do with it. ability to remain undetected for a long time.

Won’t Tell You: Gacy Was Stabbed In Jail

photo of john wayne gacy

While the series focuses on Gacy being seen as a model prisoner who creates lots of art and abides by all the rules, he’s not everyone’s favorite prisoner. In 1983, he was stabbed by another death row inmate, Henry Brisbon, dubbed the I-57 assassin.

Another inmate, William Jones, was also injured in the attack. But both suffered only minor injuries and survived.

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