Palpatine’s Cloning Experiments Raise 7 Questions About The Force

warn! This article contains spoilers for The Bad Batch Season 3 Episodes 1, 2, and 3.


  • Omega’s unique ability to retain midi-chlorians raises questions about force sensitivity and the impact of cloning experiments.

  • The mysterious “Project Necromancer” delves into the connection between midi-chlorians, DNA and the Force in the “Bad Batch”.

  • Omega’s blood receptivity to the Primarch Midi provides her with the potential to harness the Force, hinting at a deeper connection to Jango Fett.

Emperor Sheev Palpatine Star Wars: The Bad Batch Cloning experiments at the Mount Velantantis facility raise 7 important questions about the Force and midi-chlorians. bad batch Season two ended on a cliffhanger, with Omega and Crosshair imprisoned and being experimented on at the Mount Tantis cloning facility. The Season 3 premiere showed more of this experimentation, with Crosshair and Omega making a daring escape with their new hound, Butcher. With that set up, it looks like the rest of the season will focus on Clone Trooper 99 as they escape from Dr. Royce Hemlock.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Bringing Palpatine’s cloning campaign and obsession with immortality to the forefront. However, the only explanation the movie gives for this is, “Somehow, Palpatine is back“This is an unsatisfactory answer bad batch This is now being corrected by expanding the Necromancer program. The first three episodes contain a ton of lore and big reveals, such as the fact that Omega’s blood doesn’t repel Midi like other clones do. However, many of the mechanics behind the Necromancer’s plan and its impact on the way the Force works remain a mystery.

RELATED The Bad Batch Season 3 Premiere Ending Explained: Omega’s Force Connection and Palpatine’s Plan Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3 premiere shook Star Wars history to its core. But what does the ending mean for Omega and Palpatine?

7 Do Midi-Chlorians degrade like DNA?

Midi-chlorians give cells life

At the end of Episode 3, Dr. Emery Carr tells Dr. Hemlock that Omega’s blood sample “Supports positive M count transfer without sample degradationThis begs the question: whether midichlorians degrade over time like normal cells. There seems to be a precedent for this in the classics.

Although it is unknown why, Chiss Skywalkers, Chiss girls who use the Force to pilot ships, typically lose Force sensitivity around the age of 14. This would explain why Omega retained the Primordial Midi, but the other clones did not. t. She was allowed to age normally, while the other clones underwent a rapid aging process. It is possible that, because these midichlorians die during rapid aging, they are not easily replaced at higher levels.

6 Did the Kaminoans need Omega DNA to help the Midicloans?

Narath already knows that Omega’s blood can accept midichlorians

bad batch It has been said before that Omega was created to preserve Jango Fett’s DNA. However, it is clear from her warning to Omega that Nala Se was aware of Omega’s ability to receive P. midi through a blood transfusion. She likely already knew this because she threw away the Omega sample, meaning she couldn’t have known this by doing experiments for the Empire. It seems that this was either discovered by Narathor or made by him.

The Kaminoans may not only need Omega’s DNA to encode Jango’s genes, but also Omega’s DNA to encode his Midi. Midi-chlorians are the cause of life. They are living organisms. If the bodies they removed were dead, then the P. midi might be dead too. After all, the time to extract blood or organs from a corpse in a hospital, let alone one decapitated on the battlefield, is very short. The same may be true for midi-chlorians in someone’s blood.

5 Can Omega use the Force?

Omega may have more ties to midi-chlorians than other clones

Omega is the only one known Star Wars Canon’s blood is receptive to successful Midi transfer. While midi-chlorians themselves do not create Force sensitivity, they do make them more accessible. However, blood contains only small amounts of midi-chlorians. Blood tests are easy to perform, which is why they are used to measure the amount of midi-chlorians in human cells, but they are not a rich resource for midi-chlorians. The current understanding is that because of this, someone’s midi-chlorian count cannot increase Force sensitivity, even if it could.

However, given how seriously Dr. Hemlock placed this successful transfer, Omega might have been treated differently. This transfer doesn’t work for most people. The fact that Omega’s blood works so well with the extra midi-chlorians may indicate that she is naturally compatible with them, and may even have higher amounts than most clones. If so, it’s possible she could use the Force.

Omega from Star Wars has a bad batch with Jango and Boba Fett
RELATED Omega’s Origin and Boba Fett Connection Explained Star Wars: The Bad Batch just revealed the origins of young Omega, and her primary connection to bounty hunter Boba Fett.

4 If anyone can be trained to use the Force, why are the Midi-Chlorian counts so important to the Necromancer program?

Dr. Hemlock is willing to let Omega escape just to keep her alive

Ahsoka It is revealed that a person can increase Force sensitivity through training. However, Palpatine’s clone degenerated because it was not strong enough to contain his essence. The goal was to prevent this degradation by injecting the clones with midi-chlorians and testing their blood to see if they could accept the transfer. Although they are grown in a laboratory, clones are alive. Presumably, they can be trained in the Force just like anyone else. However, bad batch It is clearly shown that clones with high midi-chlorian levels are vital to the Necromancer program. Star Wars This has not yet been explained.

3 Why is Omega unique among clones?

Omega is more compatible with Midi-lorians than other clones

Omega from Star Wars has a bad batch with Jango and Boba Fett

It has been established that cloning does not retain midichlorians well. However, Omega can do it without any problem. bad batch This needs to be explained in season three, and the question of whether this makes her a unique clone worthy of Narathur’s protection is answered.

2. Is Jango Fett Force-sensitive?

Jango Fett’s cells may be compatible with midichlorians

Jango Fett and the clone army backstage

Omega was a first-generation clone designed to preserve Jango Fett’s DNA, which is why she was allowed to age naturally. Therefore, of all the clones, her DNA is the closest to Jango’s original DNA. This suggests that Omega’s blood may be very compatible with the Primordial Midi, as Jango’s blood is as well. If this is indeed the case, then Jango Fett may be Force-sensitive.

1 Is Boba Fett force-sensitive?

Boba Fett’s DNA Might Be Closer to Jango Fett’s than Omega’s

Boba Fett and Jango Fett.

Boba Fett was also a first-generation clone who was allowed to age naturally. Also, unlike Omega, who is female, he is male, just like Jango. Therefore, his DNA may be closer to Jango’s original DNA than Omega’s. If Jango Fett is secretly Force-sensitive, then Boba Fett is likely to be too.This may be a question that will be answered in the course bad batch Season 3 will reveal more details about the Necromancer’s plan and the M-Count.

The bad batch episode number

episode title

air date


“Is limited”

February 21, 2024


“Unknown Parts”

February 21, 2024


“The Shadow of Thantis”

February 21, 2024


“Different methods”

February 28, 2024



March 6, 2024



March 13, 2024



March 13, 2024


“Bad Territory”

March 20, 2024



March 27, 2024


“Identity Crisis”

April 3, 2024


“Point of No Return”

April 3, 2024



April 10, 2024


“Entering the Breach”

April 17, 2024



April 24, 2024


“The cavalry has arrived”

May 1, 2024

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3 Episodes 1-4 are now available on Disney+. Future episodes will be released on Wednesdays at 12:00 AM PT, 3:00 AM ET and 8:00 AM GMT.

Star Wars The Bad Batch Season 3 Poster Shows Painted Battle-Damaged Clone Helmets

Star Wars: The Bad Batch

Actors Dee Bradley Baker, Michelle Hong, Nosir Dalal, Liam O’Brien, Rhea Perlman, Sam Riegel, Bob Bergen , Gwendoline Young

Release date May 4, 2021

Season 3

Screenwriters: Jennifer Corbett, Dave Filoni, Matt Michinowitz, Tamara Becher, Amanda Rose Muñoz, Gusmlan Sandhu, Christian Taylor, Damani Johnson

Directors Brad Rau, Steward Lee, Nathaniel Villanueva, Saul Ruiz

Showrunner Dave Filoni

Creators: Dave Filoni, Jennifer Corbett

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