Nikki Catsouras Photos Real, Death Pictures, Speeding porsche cuts girl in half

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Nikki Catsouras Real Photo, Dead Photo, Porsche girl cut in half

Nikki Catsouras Real Photo, Dead Photo, Porsche speeding to cut the girl in half – After the accident, many people are interested in Nikki Catsouras. 18 year old Nikki is a new student. Nikki Catsouras is the son of Lesli and Christos Catsouras. Her three older sisters are Kira Catsouras, Danielle Catsouras and Christiana Catsouras.

Nikki Catsouras Real Photo, Dead Photo, Porsche girl cut in half

She has two more sisters, two half-brothers, two half-sisters, and one half-sister. Nikki Catsouras was born on March 4, 1988 in Ladera Ranch, California, United States.

Mother of teen in horrific photo case writes about cyber bullies - Orange County Register

She died tragically early, at the age of 18. Her zodiac sign was Pisces. Unfortunately, there is not much information on the Internet about her youth and personal life. New information will be posted as soon as it is available. Nikki Catsouras passed away on October 31, 2006 due to a tragic incident.

She is said to be driving on Toll Road 241 in Lake Forest at around 1:38 a.m. Nikki Catsouras how was she after the accident?

Nikki Catsouras . collision details

Details of Nikki Catsouras’ condition after the accident are being sought. Nikki, 18, was killed in a car accident in 2006.

Family receives $2.4 million for horrific accident photos - Orange County Register

She was driving down State Route 241 in Lake Forest, California in her father’s stolen Porsche 911 Carrera.

She lost control of her Porsche while trying to pass another vehicle, collided with it and crashed into a concrete toll booth. The meeting had a fatal outcome, as Nikki died instantly.

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Nikki Catsura's death images become her family's nightmare - E-Jazz News

Following the crash, California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers photographed the scene, as is customary in such cases. Aaron Reich and Thomas O’Donnell, two CHP officers, skipped the protocol and sent disturbing autopsy photos outside of approved channels.

Disturbing images of Nikki’s disfigured body quickly spread online, leaving her family deeply saddened. Due to the gruesome nature of the autopsy photos, there has been much outrage and debate about how easy it is to get them online.

All fun facts...: Nikki Catsouras' accident All images

ReputationDefender, an online reputation management company, has helped customers like the Catsouras family remove such information from the Internet.

The girl was cut in half by the speeding Porsche car

According to developer ReputationDefender, the images show Nikki’s skull “cut in half, split and then crushed”, underscoring the severity of the injuries.

In 2006, Nikki was involved in a horrific car accident that resulted in disturbing images showing her dead and mutilated body being released to the public.

Nikki Catsura's death images become her family's nightmare - E-Jazz News

In order to receive compensation for the suffering caused by the distribution of these images, her family decided to file a lawsuit. Nikki, her parents and their home in Ladera Ranch, California were at the luncheon on October 31, 2006.

This was the first incident that led to the disaster. After that, her father Christos Catsouras went to work and her mother Lesli stayed at home.

About ten minutes later, Lesli noticed that Christos’ Porsche 911 Carrera, which Nikki could not drive, had moved out of the driveway.

Christos started searching for his daughter after Lesli called him after realizing it. Photos of Catsouras’s corpse were discovered during this search.

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IMAGE: Nikki Catsouras' death Photo: Body image Controversial face online

The coroner banned Nikki’s parents from identifying their daughter’s body because the crash was so horrific, Newsweek reported. As is customary in fatal traffic crashes, California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers recorded the scene.

Aaron Reich and Thomas O’Donnell, two CHP employees, broke the law by posting these images on social media. These images are in high demand and are still available online. On Twitter, Facebook and Reddit, these images are still circulating.

The tragic death of Nikki Catsouras - Jt.Org

O’Donnell said he sent the images to his own email address for further verification, though Reich said he sent them to four other people.

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