Nightwing & Starfire Cosplay Reunites DC’s Most Controversial Couple

A beautiful cosplay involving Nightwing and Starfire reunites one of the most controversial couples in DC history. Two talented cosplayers shed light on the not-so-good love story between former Teen Titans.

Nightwing has always been one of the coolest women in the DC Universe, but his heart is only occupied by a select few. Many fans may be shipping the once-Wonder Boy with his close ally Barbara Gordon, but some are still adamant about the romance between Dick Grayson and Coriander. The duo’s romance dates back to their time on the Teen Titans, when they both nearly got married. However, their relationship fell apart and never got back on track. Now that Dick and Barbara are closer than ever, Nightwing and Starfire’s burning romance seems to have waned.

Nightwing and Starfire reunite in awesome cosplay

That said, the ship has yet to die in the hearts of some fans, with a cosplay between two talented artists reuniting the pair. In a series of Instagram posts, cosplayer w_dubb introduces herself as Princess Tamarin (specifically based on super boy series). And the cosplayer prodigy wearing the classic Nightwing outfit posted on ssnwwc2’s Instagram. While both artists design their clothes independently, they reach great heights together. Nightwing and Starfire stood with their backs to each other and looked like they were ready to rumble. Koriandr raised his arms as if ready to strike, while Dick watched calmly. Instagram post added w_dubb’s message “Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️ 🌷‘, reminding fans everywhere that crime-fighting partners were indeed once a couple.

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Although the cosplayers earn a lot of views for their impressive cosplay, it’s a painful reminder to fans that the pair are still far apart by current comic standards. night wing, Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon have returned to their old relationship and are stronger than ever, with occasional signs of marriage. But many Teen Titans fans can’t help but think about Nightwing and Starfire reunited once again. As one of Dick Grayson’s most popular companions, cosplayers may find Starfire’s romance with him too inspiring to shake off completely.

some fans just like starfire and nightwing

Dick Grayson and Princess Koriand’r haven’t been officially together for a while, but the couple’s fan base keeps growing. new teen giant Times or inspired by their pairing in other media, fans continued to send Nightwing and Starfire. Cosplay sessions like the ones shared by alteregoprodigy and w_dubb are good reminders that while Batgirl may be Dick’s current crush, there are still a huge fan base out there who love Starfire and Nightwing together.

Source: w_dubb(1, 2), ssnwwc,

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