My Hero Academia: Every Hero & Villain That Died In Season 6’s Finale

After the climactic mid-season finale of Season 6 of My Hero Academia, it is time for heroes and villains to count the losses they suffered during the Paranormal Liberation War. Both sides suffered casualties during the all-out battle that ended with Shigaraki Tomura/All For One escaping, but not before he inflicted heavy losses on the heroes and tarnished their reputation in the eyes of My Hero Academia’s world.

The Paranormal Liberation War is one of the longest and most intense story arcs in My Hero Academia. It culminates with an assault by the assembled Pro Heroes of Japan against the villains’ alliance called the Paranormal Liberation Front. The heroes split into two teams: one, led by the no. 1 Pro Hero Endeavor, attacks the Jaku Hospital in an attempt to stop Shigaraki from awakening at his full power; the other, led by no. 2 and no. 4 heroes, Hawks and Edgeshot, attacks the secret base of the Paranormal Liberation Front in the Gunga Mountains. The heroes’ plan was to take the villains by surprise and capture them all in one swoop, but Shigaraki’s awakening and the raw power of Gigantomachia turned the battlefield into chaos.

Midnight Was Just One of Many Fallen Heroes

On the heroes’ side, the first victims of the battle happen in the Jaku Hospital raid. Thanks to the efforts of Mirko, it appeared that Shigaraki’s awakening was prevented before his new body was completed. However, My Hero Academia’s hero X-Less makes a mistake and destroys an unidentified machine, creating an electric discharge that awakens Shigaraki. The first victim is X-Less himself, followed shortly after by Crust, who sacrifices his life to save Eraserhead, fully aware that his Quirk is the only thing that can stop Shigaraki’s dreadful Decay Quirk. A Pro Hero seen in the Stain arc, Native, and another called Funkman are later confirmed to be among the victims.

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In the Gunga Mountains, the first victim is Eel Boy, a hero with the power to sprout giant eels from his hands. He quickly moves to capture Mr. Compress and Himiko Toga, but is stabbed in the back of the head by the last surviving clone of Twice. Most casualties, however, happen after Gigantomachia starts moving in My Hero Academia, following the call of his master Shigaraki. The most well-known victim is Midnight, one of the teachers at U. A. High, who tries to use her Somnambulist Quirk on Machia but is repelled by Mr. Compress, before being ambushed and killed by a gang of villains. The students later find her body in the forest and tearfully mourn their teacher, whose last words were a request for Yaoyorozu to create a powerful anesthetic to stop Machia’s rampage. Also lost is Majestic, who helped keep the students safe.

Twice Was The Only Villain to Die

My Hero Academia: Hawks kills Twice.

On the villains’ side, the only victim is Twice. The heroes follow a policy to avoid lethal force, which is why Hawks’ decision to kill Twice at the beginning of the battle was so controversial. However, the villain’s Quirk, Double, could have turned the tide of the battle in an instant, overwhelming heroes with sheer numbers, which led to Hawks’ regretful choice. In the end, nineteen Pro Heroes perish during the battle, while 16,929 soldiers of the Paranormal Liberation Army are apprehended. Sadly, Tomura escapes along with the remaining Near-High End Nomus, while the heroes have to deal with the dramatic aftermath of this battle in the second half of My Hero Academia Season 6.

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Season 6 of My Hero Academia is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

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