Muppets: 10 Funniest Kermit The Frog Memes

In the annals of popular culture, there are few characters as universally beloved as Kermit the Frog. With his adorable voice, his always-cheery demeanor, and his strange (but touching) relationship with Miss Piggy, he’s just impossible to dislike.

Since the growth of the internet, and in particular meme culture, he’s also become quite the favorite subject for witty folk who want to find some way of expressing their angst, ennui, and cleverness in relation to the iconic frog. Some of these are truly hilarious, and they demonstrate the extent to which the internet really is a place where good-hearted humor can still be seen.

Dying Of Laughter

There’s no joke quite as good as the one that people tell to themselves. In fact, sometimes it’s hard to even get the joke out in the first place because it’s just so funny.

This is one of those experiences that is almost universal, and that’s a big part of the reason why this meme is so hilarious. Of course, it also helps that Kermit just looks so absolutely ridiculous sprawled across the bed with an oxygen mask on his face.

The Sass Is Strong

Kermit the Frog Meme Opinions

Is there anything more irritating than a person who decides to offer their opinion when it hasn’t been asked for? Of course, most of us aren’t rude enough to actually say that to the person that we’re speaking with— at least, not if we want to keep speaking with them.

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The beauty and brilliance of this meme is that it’s a perfect distillation of that set of thoughts that almost everyone has had at one time or another, when they just want to tell someone to shut up and mind their business.

Turn To The Dark Side

Kermit the Frog Meme Dark Side

This particular Kermit the Frog meme— based on a screenshot from Muppets Most Wanted has become almost ubiquitous on the internet, and it’s been used to articulate a large number of feelings and emotions. This one, though, is truly something special, because it really taps into that feeling that many people have when it comes to a setback.

Does one just embrace the fact that it’s not a big deal or does one just go completely off the handle? Obviously, the more appealing is the latter option, which is what this meme so exquisitely captures.

Limp With Exhaustion

One of the best things about meme culture today is that very often it manages to capture the universal experiences that ring true not just for a few, but for most people. In this case, it’s about tasks.

Sure, there are some people that love to be busy and overwhelmed with numerous things to do, but for a lot of people, just doing one of those things can seem like both an accomplishment and something that’s utterly exhausting. Leave it to Kermit to embody that feeling.

Through The Looking Glass

Kermit the Frog Meme Treat Yourself

Ah, the eternal struggle. Most people want to eat better, in order to both look better and feel better. Unfortunately, the allure of the delicious always serves as a bit of a counterweight to even the best of intentions.

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It’s a bit of a variation on the Kermit as Palpatine meme— there’s also an entire genre of memes devoted to Palpatine— and it serves to show how very difficult it can be to stick to a good eating regimen when the desire to give into temptation is just so strong.

Back Me Up, Will Ya?

Kermit the Frog Meme Treat Friends

It’s the age-old story. You get into an argument, and feel cocky because you have a friend nearby to have your back if need be. Then, you look to said friend for back-up— only to find that they are failing to provide said back up, or have left the area and abandoned you completely.

Still, what makes this meme so truly hilarious is the way in which Kermit’s adorable face is all scrunched up with intensity. Most people have probably had that look on their face at least once.

The Joys Of Procrastination

Kermit the Frog Meme Lazy Days

Is there anything more pleasurable in this world than procrastination? There’s just something innately wonderful about the feeling of putting off an undesirable task until later.

Sure, some people might feel anxious about continuing to put off an important task— but the really canny procrastinator, like the one in this meme, knows to put it off until just the right time, when it no longer becomes possible to accomplish the task on the chosen day.

Own It

Kermit the Frog Meme Past Noon

There’s something mysterious about time. Sometimes, it just seems to slide by without us even knowing it (particularly for people who tend to sleep rather later than the average person). Thus, when someone asks “what did you do today?” it’s easy to just throw up the hands and say, “How would I know?”

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There’s something really empowering about owning that particular mentality, which is precisely what makes this a meme that’s both very philosophically astute and, of course, hilarious.


One of the great struggles that humankind faces is shopping for clothes. While for some it’s a joyful experience, for many others it’s tremendously frustrating, for precisely the reasons that this meme articulates.

After all, is there anything quite as infuriating as seeing clothes that fit great on a mannequin, only to try them on and realize how awkward they are? What really pushes this meme over the top, though, is that it makes the unlikely Kermit into quite the fashion icon.

No Rest For The Weary

Kermit the Frog and Sock

For some people, cleaning their room is a joy, while for many others it’s an onerous task to be put off at any cost. And, even once it’s started, it’s easy to get a false sense of accomplishment from doing literally one thing and then going back to doing nothing.

This meme nicely articulates that sense of ennui that almost inevitably sets in once one picks up that first sock. It’s all downhill from there.

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