Mortal Kombat: 9 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Sub-Zero

As the calendar begins treading towards the cold embrace of winter and the 30th anniversary of the historic Mortal Kombat fighting game draws near, fans can’t help but be reminded of the incredible memories this beloved franchise has produced over the years. Debuting in October 1992, Mortal Kombat revolutionized the fighting genre, infusing heavy doses of mo-cap with gobs of violence. The result was an awe-inspiring gaming experience.

Unquestionably one of the faces of the franchise, Lin Kuei Grandmaster, Sub-Zero, has a long and storied history in the acclaimed fighting game from NetherRealm Studios. After making appearances in every MK game since the original, Sub-Zero has afforded supporters and critics countless character elements, often best summarized using artistic memes, the preferred choice of fans.

Kold Justice

Leaving Kombatants hypothermic since 1992, Sub-Zero had a chillingly meteoric rise from an original tournament fatality to a fan favorite. Unfortunately, this surge seemingly left many others like Liu Kang, and Sonya Blade buried beneath his avalanche of fandom.

Equipped with conviction as tempered as cold steel and a disposition that often exudes frostiness, Sub-Zero seamlessly interjects ice puns into almost all his in-game taunts and dialogue, always looking to give his adversaries nothing but the cold embrace of defeat. The same could be said for fans of the legendary character.

Sliding For Days

Arguably as intrinsic to Sub-Zero as the Ice Ball, his slide has proved vital to the character’s move set, much to the chagrin of his would-be opponents. This angst felt by Sub-Zero opponents has only increased with the advent of enhanced and amplified versions of the slide.

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Beginning in Mortal Kombat 9, players would be able to upgrade the slide, giving it considerably more viability in combat and allowing players access to a dangerous tool in competitive, online play. Honestly, anyone seeking to gauge the reverberations from this move need only look to Reddit forums, littered with love and loathing for this identifiable ability. It’s part of why Mortal Kombat is so hard to master.

The Many Faces Of Sub-Zero

Since its conception almost 30 years ago, Mortal Kombat has remained loyal to many of its original characters. When needed, their stories are fleshed out from game to game, keeping them fresh and adding to continuity. For example, MK 9 noticeably retconned details of Bi Han and Kuai Liang’s origins while simultaneously honoring the Kombatants.

Accompanied by one of the more confusing character histories in Mortal Kombat, the bearer of the Sub-Zero mantle has varied over the decades. Composed of at least a couple of different characters, Sub-Zero is the only Kombatant that requires that fans specify what version is being discussed, a running joke in the MK community.

Lin Kuei Are Not Ninja

Set as a prequel to the first Mortal Kombat tournament’s happenings, Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero gave fans a canonical chain of events and background on Sub-Zero. One of the few non-fighting MK games, Mythologies included this oft-memed line of dialogue, rendered in its 32-bit glory.

A scrutinized entry into the MK series, Mythologies culminates with Sub-Zero besting Scorpion, then taking a contract to assassinate the tournament’s host, the sorcerer Shang Tsung. As an often highlighted character trait, Sub-Zero believed being considered a ninja, like his reviled enemy Scorpion, was akin to a slight against his honor, something Sub-Zero would not tolerate.

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Loyalty, Sub-Zero’s Greatest Weapon

Showing remarkable character consistency over the decades, Sub-Zero has resonated with three distinctive characteristics in Mortal Kombat: his desire to protect, willingness to attack, and taking his allies’ backs. Seeking to safeguard the Lin Kuei against the evil machinations of Sektor and Outworld, Sub-Zero has become the protector of the Order and its staunchest defender.

Lastly, Sub-Zero has displayed the rigid backbone necessary to lead in the turbulent MK universe. If there ever came a question of loyalty, Sub-Zero would have his allies’ backs or bring back those of his enemies.


As any Sub-Zero main would attest, nobody defeats the Grandmaster, and to insinuate it is a crime punishable by death. Such statements are as ludicrous as Malcolm in the Middle Dewey’s claim that he beat a monster only to become friends with it in space.

However, even within the Mortal Kombat mythos, Sub-Zero has felt the sting of defeat, rising like the Cryophoenix, more potent than before. Overcoming a forced conversion under the dreaded Cyber Initiative and Quan Chi’s sorcery, and being guided by his legendary warrior’s spirit, shows even death cannot restrain the Lin Kuei Grandmaster.

Most Iconic Fatality

Synonymous with the Mortal Kombat franchise, ‘Fatalities’ profoundly influenced the genre, kicking the maturity and carnage up far beyond previous fighting games. Unfortunately, so excessive was the violence that Mortal Kombat, along with two others, would necessitate the need for oversight, leading to the creation of the ESRB in North America.

Forward, down, forward, high punch, the magical button sequence that gave ’90s kids the pure euphoria of going Predator-mode, skull to spine on an opponent, and FINISHING them. Indeed, many fans would agree that there is no more iconic Fatality associated with Mortal Kombat than Sub-Zero’s classic.

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Sub-Zero Thought He Was Safe

Starting with the reveal trailer for MK9, Nether Realm Studios began incorporating a reoccurring theme involving the gloriously detailed mauling of Sub-Zero. From having the location of his head and heart switched to being treated like lumber, Sub-Zero has developed a habit of being brutalized in glorious HD.

Becoming a running jest in the MK community, Sub-Zero had seemingly shaken the trailer curse after the initial trailer releases for Mortal Kombat 11. However, perhaps realizing the error (or intent), NRS corrected it with the Reddit-loved Noob Saibot reveal trailer, leaving the younger Zero strewn about across the stage, the streak still intact.

First Day On The Job

Sektor’s defeat, as Grandmaster, at the hands of Sub-Zero marked a pivotal turning point for both character and clan in Mortal Kombat. Indeed, when Sub-Zero seized leadership of the Lin Kuei following the events of MK9 and the Mortal Kombat X comic series, it would signal a tumultuous time for the cyber-warrior holdovers left from the ruinous Cyber Initiative.

Of course, except for Sub-Zero’s favorite former Lin Kuei brother turned LK-4D4, Cyrax. Portrayed as a misguided antagonist in the Cyber Initiative, like fan favorite Smoke, Cyrax will break free from the mind-control protocols and work with Sub-Zero to close the dark chapter in Lin Kuei’s history and start anew.

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