Maury Povich Says He’d Come Out of Retirement for Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson DNA Test

Maury Povich is interested in the possibility of Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson being brothers!

The 84-year-old ex mauri The host, whose exclusive talk show aired from 1991 to 2022, offers Matthew and Woody the chance to find out if they are really related after Matthew revealed the rumors were started by his mother.

Keep reading to know more…

A recent E! The news interview with Matthew included a video message from Maury, in which the former TV personality tells Matthew that she was “coming out of his retirement” to do a DNA test on him and Woody.

“We could do, in prime time, ‘DNA: Maury’s Back With Woody and Matthew.’ I will even get the color of the show back in my hair,” declared Maury. “Woody has my number. I’m ready.”

While Matthew acknowledged that Woody, 62, may be open to the idea of ​​a DNA test, the 53-year-old actor has his doubts.

“It’s a little harder for me because it’s asking me to take a risk and say, ‘Wait a minute, are you trying to tell me that my dad might not be my dad after 53 years of believing that?’ Matthew said. “I have a little more skin in the game.”

DNA testing was common on Maury’s talk show, as the host became known for the phrase “you’re not the father.”

If you missed it, check out how Woody Harrelson responded to rumors that he and Matthew McConaughey are half-brothers!

Categories: Biography

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