Math quizzes with answers: Math puzzles are a fun way to relieve stress. Try these math quizzes.

to separate mathematics from humanity is almost impossible. Since man began to collect raw materials from nature, mathematics has become an important aspect. Ever since man learned to feed himself and others with readily available materials, counting and measuring substances have been built into man. You can never separate man from mathematics.

So whether you like the subject or not, you can’t stop math from scaring you like it did in school.

Today we present you some math quizzes that will give you the same feeling.

Math puzzles with answers!


Think of an even number. Now try to remove a letter from it, it will get weird. what number is that

Come on, put on your thinking hat!

Math Quiz 2:

Imagine you were born in an odd year. In 50 years, on your 50th birthday, will it be an even or odd year?


Math Quiz 1:

Think of an even number. Now try to remove the first letter from there, that’s weird. what number is that

Answer 1:

SIX. Remove the first letter from the word and it becomes IX. This is the representation of the number 9 in Roman numerals.

Come on, put on your thinking hat!

Math Quiz 2:

Imagine you were born in an odd year. In 50 years, on your 50th birthday, will it be an even or odd year?

Answer 2: Strange!

Didn’t we tell you this was going to be difficult? So yeah, they’re pretty hard to digest, but that’s the fun!

See also  Math quizzes with answers: For those who like to take on challenges, we have these math quizzes

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