Marion Cotillard talks about #MeToo during the Cannes Film Festival, saying she “was put in situations she shouldn’t have been in.”

Marion Cotillard stars in not one, but two stylish chanel looks during the Cannes Film Festival 2023 over the weekend in France.

The 47-year-old plays the mother in Mona Achache’s docu-drama, blue girlabout his other mother.

“Through the power of cinema, Achache brings his mother back to life to retrace her journey and discover who she really was,” the description reads.

During a chat with Deadline, Marion talked about the movie and how it tied in with the core story. In addition, she also spoke about the #MeToo movement and admits that the industry still has a ways to go.

“I have been an actress for a long time; She was [put] in situations where he shouldn’t have been… There are still some sick men, and sometimes women, who will take advantage of youth, who will take advantage of the passion that we have as actors, the fact that we depend on desire to directors, producers,” he shared.

Marion then added that while progress is slow, he’s still making progress.

“Knowing that today these young actresses know that it’s not okay, that if someone asks you something that you don’t feel comfortable with, you can say ‘No.’ I didn’t know that when I was a young actress, it was a very different time,” she said.

Head over to the gallery to see over 35 photos of Marion Cotillard at the Cannes Film Festival…

Categories: Biography

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