Lost Ark: How To Get Heavenly Harmony

Harmony Islands is a MapleStory event lost box It features quests that reward the player with large amounts of silver coins and the song in the soundtrack, Heavenly Harmony. The Isle of Harmony, not to be confused with the Shard of Harmony or other similarly named events, is a time portal site that occasionally appears off the east coast of Rohandel during the Sea of ​​Tears in Erzowyn. lost box Players can tell when the island is available by checking their Procyon Compass, a tool that displays the various dungeons and scheduled events the player can participate in.

To open Procyon’s compass, the player must select the compass icon below the minimap in the upper left corner of the HUD. A menu will appear with several active tabs to choose from. Here, players can find Harmony Island’s schedule information by clicking on the “Appearance Info” of “Adventure Island”. As mentioned above, Harmony Island is time-locked so it won’t always be as accessible as other islands in Arkesia, such as Freedom Isle or Blackfang’s Den. However, the player can keep track of when island events start by setting an in-game alert at -game lost box.

After arriving at Harmony Island, lost box Fans can get Songs of Nature by completing cooperative quests. However, before players can participate in these green group missions, they must first complete the quest in front of the “Galaxy” of Harmony Island. After listening to the gardener NPC’s explanation, the player can join three scheduled cooperative missions.

Paradise Harmony’s Lost Ark Song Guide

One of the green quests is “Pure Voice”, the quest is lost box The player transports holy spring water ×80 to a flower in the garden. While this may sound like a tedious task, multiple other players may be doing the same task at the same time, making it easier to get the job done. Another quest is “Scented Sounds”, which requires the player to collect ×300 fragrant pollen. Harmony Isle’s third cooperative mission lost box It’s “Harmony? Help!” The explorers sang love 80 times.

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After completing these party missions, players will be rewarded with a Fangyin Chest, a Clear Tones Chest, a Harmony Chest, or a Lightning Chest. Each of these chests is guaranteed to drop silver coins, but the loot may or may not contain the Paradise Harmony soundtrack. Assume the player doesn’t get Heavenly Harmony during the first raid sequence they make on Harmony Island. In this case, they will need to try again or return to the island later. lost box Scheduled to appear.

lost box Available on PC via Steam.

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