Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner reach divorce settlement amid legal battle

Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner are finally settling the legal battle that was their divorce.

Kevin’s legal team previously won a series of legal battles after Laura Wasser submitted paperwork to the court saying his monthly obligation should be $63,000 a month, as opposed to Christine’s request of $248,000 a month.

After a two-day evidentiary hearing in Santa Barbara earlier this month, Judge Thomas Anderle sided with Kevin, via TMZ.

The judge also made it clear that their prenuptial agreement would be enforced, and if Christine challenged it, she would have to repay Kevin more than $1 million and pay his attorney fees for the prenuptial legal battle.

Over the weekend he reportedly agreed to the terms of a three-page settlement letter.

Keep reading to know more…

The two were married for 18 years and had 3 children together.

Christine filed for divorce in May and asked for joint custody. Kevin also asked for joint custody.

According TMZ, the exact details of the deal are unclear, but Christine’s $850,000 fee request is off the table. Her sources also say that Christine got more than what was stated in the prenup, for the sake of the agreement.

Find out what Kevin Costner had to say about the legal battle earlier this month.

Categories: Biography

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