Kelly Ripa Shares the Positives of Going Through Menopause and Why People Don’t Like to Talk About It

Kelly Ripa had an honest conversation about menopause Let’s talk off camera podcast.

The 53-year-old talk show host recently welcomed Dr. Erika Schwartz to an episode. During it, they talked about the changes in a woman’s body that occur during menopause.

Women also expressed a general hesitation to discuss the issue in public. Kelly made it clear that she wasn’t worried about broaching the topic; She did so by revealing some of the best changes she experienced after going through menopause.

Keep reading to know more…

“I love that I don’t get my period. There, I said it,” Kelly shared on the podcast, according to People.

That led to a second great thing that she also loved: “You can wear white pants and not feel scared.”

“My first Memorial Day to Labor Day after menopause…it was the summer of white pants because I never had to worry about wearing white pants,” Kelly joked.

She also called the fact that women find it difficult to obtain “information” on the topic, calling it “hidden.” The star noted that some of her friends even seemed to find the topic “scary.”

“They are talking to me, an open book, and they still don’t dare to talk about having gone through menopause. They are too afraid to admit it,” she explained, adding that it seems to be an “embarrassing” topic for some.

If you missed it, Kelly recently opened up about her relationship with her husband Mark Consuelos. More specifically, she explained why she didn’t have a bachelorette party.

Categories: Biography

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