Kelly Clarkson reveals she’s writing something for Broadway right now!

If you’re a fan of Kelly Clarkson, you probably know that she’s a huge Broadway fan.

The Grammy-winning singer has covered many Broadway songs on her show and on several albums, including a song on The Hamilton Mixtape Compilation.

With Kelly moving her talk show to New York City for next season, fans have been wondering if she would potentially join the cast of a Broadway show. Well, it looks like she’s going to do something else on Broadway.

Keep reading to know more…

“I’m in love with theater and Broadway and all that. And I never thought I’d have the opportunity to do something like this,” Kelly told host Nancy O’Dell on TalkShop Live.

And he added: “Eventually I would love to do something. I’m in the process of writing something right now. Like he was working on something. For Broadway. I love the element. I don’t like acting in movies and television, but I do love stage things, I think because that’s how I grew up and I like that you don’t have to repeat it 50 times. I want to go out and have the energy that you’re supposed to have for that show and I want it to be what it’s going to be and I want it to be different every night and I think that’s fascinating and there’s a different kind of energy to it that you don’t get anywhere else. , apart from the tour, I guess. Even that, you’re telling a different story, right? So I’m working on something.”

Have you heard the new song Kelly released last week?

Categories: Biography

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