Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Josuke’s Power Up Is The Craziest Stand Yet

warning! spoiler JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Chapter 106 Firstly!

maybe the last chapter jojo’s strange adventure As the manga draws to a close, Jousuke’s powers have been refined to an even more ridiculous standard than before. The battle for the lokaka fruit has reached its climax, with the fates of the Tokata clan in the balance — for some more than others.

The series is currently running its eighth season, Jojo Lyon Follow a man named Higashika Jousuke (though not that Josuke) as he tries to uncover the secrets behind his own past, the source of the Higashi family curse, and the mysterious stone people that threaten threaten the world. With the “Wonder of U” villain Toru’s independent abilities finally revealed, it looks like, in classic Jojo style, he’ll be unstoppable. His ability works passively, causing any attempt to interfere with its user’s plans to fail in an extremely improbable manner. While such an ability also has a range limitation, most stands have a range of less than ten meters, making it difficult for most people to beat.

However, Jojo’s main characters often learn new ways to use their powers in fierce battle, and it turns out that Josuke is no exception in this regard. Josuke’s stand, awkwardly named “Soft & Wet”, turns out to be surprisingly flexible, capable of emitting air bubbles that absorb both things (like pieces of paper) and properties of those things (the sound a shoe makes). For example, every footstep). Balloons can also be used offensively, firing at enemies and exploding on contact. Although the limits of a brace are vaguely defined, the idea is that it temporarily steals some intrinsic aspects of an object, even physical properties such as friction.

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However, in chapter 106, Jousuke discovers that this ability works differently than he previously imagined. When he unleashes his new ability “Wet Wet: Beyond”, it is explained that Jousuke’s bubbles are actually using an attribute called “spin”, found in jojo Part 7, running steel ball. Spins created from perfectly spherical objects spin rapidly until they generate more energy than is needed to initiate their spins, allowing them to perform incredible actions like break dimensional and vertical barriers like Dior’s World The ability to freeze time. Jousuke’s bubble was later described as an extremely thin string that rotates so rapidly that it looks like a sphere while being so thin that it essentially doesn’t exist, resulting in a complete “nothing” bubble. does not “exist”. Admittedly this explanation is quite confusing and certainly difficult to translate accurately, but a better explanation can be provided in the future. The end result is that these empty, non-existent bubbles are extremely dangerous and will wipe out everything they touch.

Soft, moist: Beyond Push Jojo Lyon The absurdity culminates when Josuke comes up with the brilliant idea of ​​combining it with Yasuho’s ability to stand in Paisley Park, her ability to connect to her phone to provide guidance and follow-up. like GPS for anyone and anything. With this combination, Jousuke is able to transmit bubbles over the telephone network and attack villains from miles away, and since his bubbles “don’t exist” Wonder of U is unable to stop them. Since this combination gives Jousuke infinite attack range and the ability to destroy or steal almost anything, Soft & Wet could have become the new super standing kings. jojo’s strange adventure, which is actually saying something. Although Toku looked like he was about to lose, there were still many enemies to deal with, and Touhou Kato seemed to be one of them.

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