Jesse Stone: Sea Change – Cast & Character Guide

Here’s a cast and character guide for TV movie Jesse Stone: Sea Change. Tom Selleck’s career was at a major crossroads in 1980, which saw him nab the lead role on Magnum P.I. and being offered Indiana Jones in Raiders Of The Lost Ark. His commitment to the former caused him to drop out of Raiders, though in a twist of irony, a SAG strike delayed production on Magnum P.I. for months, meaning he could have taken Indiana Jones after all.

Still, Magnum P.I. more than worked out for Selleck, with the show being a major success and running for eight seasons. He had a couple of hit movies during that run too, including Three Men And A Baby. Tom Selleck has mostly stuck with television, including TV movies like Ike: Countdown To D-Day and Last Stand At Saber River, and he’s been part of cop drama Blue Bloods since 2010.

Tom Selleck has also played the title role in the Jesse Stone TV movie series since 2005’s Stone Cold. Jesse comes from the novels by author Robert B. Parker, and here’s a rundown of the key characters featured in the fourth movie Jesse Stone: Sea Change.

Tom Selleck – Jesse Stone

Selleck’s ex-cop Jesse Stone is the police chief of Paradise, Massachusetts, a small town with many dark secrets. Jesse’s in a bad place when Sea Change begins; his friendship with his ex-wife is strained and he’s drinking even more. He looks into a cold case to keep occupied and investigates a rape accusation from a young woman named Cathleen Holton.

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Kathy Baker – Rose Gammon

Kathy Baker (The Ranch) is introduced as Rose Gammon in Jesse Stone: Sea Change, who replaces Viola Davis’ Molly as Jesse’s new deputy. Rose is an important recurring character in the series and would become a trusted friend to the ever-troubled Stone, though this entry finds them getting used to one another as they look into the cold case.

Rebecca Pidgeon – Leeann Lewis

Rebecca Pidgeon (Red) plays Leeann in Jesse Stone: Sea Change, the sister of a murdered bank teller from the cold case Jesse’s looking into. She’s looking after her ailing mother, but while she and Jesse become attracted to each other, his investigation leads him to suspect she may have been involved with the bank robbery.

Mika Boorem – Cathleen Holton

Cathleen Holton (Mika Boorem) plays Cathleen Holton in Sea Change, who accuses an older man of sexual assault, though a witness present that night makes Jesse’s investigation more complex.

William Sadler – Gino Fish

Gino Fish (William Sadler, Bill & Ted Face The Music) makes his debut in Jesse Stone: Sea Change. Gino is a mobster who becomes involved in the case when he learns Jesse is looking into the money stolen in the bank robbery cold case, most of which belonged to him.

William Devane – Dr. Dix

William Devane’s Dr. Dix is another recurring character and acts as Jesse’s therapist. In Jesse Stone: Sea Change he suggests the title character find a case to occupy himself and take his mind off the drink, which leads to Jesse looking into the 1992 robbery.

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