It’s Showtime!: 10 Hilarious Beetlejuice Memes That’ll Have You Cry-Laughing

Beetlejuice is a lot of things; it is arguably Tim Burton’s most innovative movie, is one of the best horror movies for kids and it has one of the best comedy performances ever by Michael Keaton . For these reasons, people have been asking for a sequel to the classic for years.

While it’ll certainly be disappointing if we never get a sequel, we’ll at least see a steady stream of memes thanks to the film’s hilarious dialogue and Keaton’s amazing facial expressions.

The fun has begun!

Using one of the best lines in the movie, “It’s showtime” has become synonymous with memes. A hilarious meme that goes back to when a girl keeps an attitude for two days and her boyfriend doesn’t ask her what’s up. Finally, when he actually asks her what’s up, it’s time and this scene can be like Carla opening up to JD and melting his face in Rub.


beetle juice meme

The names of Starbucks drinks are getting so long that they are almost complete sentences, and here, Beetlejuice just speaks for us. While the film’s humor is one of the less mature, Beetlejuice’s blunt demeanor is still one of the things audiences love about the creature, and his short temper is appreciated. shown here, making the modern-day Beetlejuice very interesting.


Drake is one of the most popular pop stars on the planet, so he’s been the subject of thousands of memes, the most popular of which are two screenshots from his hit “Hotline Bling.”

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Screenshots showing Drake in two different emotions, one that he’s sad and the other that he’s happy, have been amazingly replaced by a fan with Beetlejuice.

next part

A sequel to Beetlejuice has been rumored for decades since the first was released, one of Tim Burton’s unrealized projects that could be very cool. There’s even a scenario in development where Beetlejuice goes on vacation to Hawaii, but it’s still in development for some reason. This meme does a great job of illustrating that movie fans are a very odd bunch.

Chen Thanh

Using a screenshot of one of the funniest scenes in Tim Burton’s film, the meme not only mentions Beetlejuice, but Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Going forward, if someone chooses the right Grail, they get unlimited health, but if they pick the wrong Grail, they end up looking like the LA County Health Officer, and in other words Beetlejuice.

social worker

It’s no secret that social workers work extremely hard, stress, and sleep very little. Using a screenshot of Michael Keaton playing Beetlejuice in 1989’s Batman (arguably the best Batman movie ever), he looks clean and dandy. Two very different sides of Keaton.

smoky eyes

However, Beetlejuice’s makeup artist is a genius, but since the movie even won an Oscar for Best Makeup in 1989, it’s something that everyone dreads when applying eyeshadow over white powder. . It seems like Beetlejuice could make a great Halloween costume, but when hosting an event like a dinner party, guests can worry about it going that way.


Hecate is the god of magic, witchcraft, ghosts, and necromancy, and although she is powerful and terrifying, Beetlejuice’s powers are uncanny like hers.

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All Beetlejuice has always wanted to do is have fun and he really is a great host too. This leaves the audience wondering if the ghost was really doing anything wrong and if he was misunderstood all this time.

robert smith

Here, Robert Smith is the unfortunate victim of poor lighting. As the frontman of the ’80s goth rock band The Cure, Smith has a penchant for dramatic and gothic makeup, painting her face a ghostly white with black eyeshadow. However, in this photo taken at one of his concerts, the green neon lights give his hair a monster green hue, very similar to the iconic Ghost.

night shift

Anyone who works a night shift knows that time can mess with their bodies, causing workers to lose all sense of time. Not only is it scary to know that one shift will end the same day the next one begins, but not seeing the light of day for months can leave employees pale. But the incredible combination of sleep deprivation and caffeine intake makes employees look like lunatics.

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