Is The Rehearsal scripted or real? The confusing show explained

Rehearsal is an HBO show that allows contestants to replay important moments in their lives before they happen. The idea is to prepare the contestant for a particular event. For example, in episode 1, Kor plans to reveal to his close friend that he lied for years about having a master’s degree.

The show’s creator, comedian Nathan Fielder, recreates an exact replica of the bar where Kor’s encounter will take place. Kor then rehearses the confession to an actress playing Kor’s friend. Later, we look at the actual encounter to determine if the setup worked.

Nathan’s show is outrageous and utterly confusing, yet surprisingly intriguing.

Rehearsal it is both hyphenated and unhyphenated.

Rehearsal it is both real and false. Nathan claims that the participants responded to an ad on craigslist and decided to participate in the experiment. They are real people with real problems about to make life-changing decisions.

The series uses actors and props to recreate certain moments, so we believe that part of the program is scripted. However, the actual encounters that follow are not scripted.

Some fans on the internet are alleging that the entire series is a rehearsal, and Nathan will eventually reveal that the contestants were actors. Given the outlandish nature of the show, that theory seems plausible. One user tweeted:

“Does anyone think there’s a chance we get to the end of The Rehearsal and Nathan explains that the whole show was fake the whole time?”

Categories: Biography

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