Is Joanne Woodward still alive? Your detailed health problems

Joanne Woodward’s romance with Paul Newman sounded like something out of a Hollywood script, but its longevity put Hollywood’s quintessential short-term relationships to shame. Coming soon to HBO Max latest movie stars will chronicle a relationship that began as a controversial affair and ended as a marriage that lasted 50 years.

Woodward’s bond with Paul was on full display when he took his last breath in 2008. Clea Newman, his daughter, said CBS News:

“When my father was dying, my mother, she didn’t want to be in the room. And so, we were walking in the living room, and then she looked at me and said, ‘I have to go with him.’ And she walked in, and just grabbed her feet from her, and he took the last breath out of her. Even in death, the last person he wanted to connect with was her.”

Joanne Woodward is alive but battling Alzheimer’s

Paul Newman with his wife Joanne Woodward | Photo by Bruce Glikas/FilmMagic

Woodward began showing symptoms of memory loss shortly after the death of Paul Newmans. However, they attributed the signs to depression caused by Paul’s passing.

Unfortunately, Joanne’s health declined rapidly; Doctors diagnosed him with Alzheimer’s. A family source said Woodward has severe dementia and Alzheimer’s and she can barely remember the life she shared with Paul. said the informant closer weekly:

“[Ella]she can no longer remember the details of her life with Paul. She will occasionally say that she used to be married to someone handsome, but that’s about it. She doesn’t even remember the love of her life!” She[Ella]she can’t remember details of her life with Paul anymore. She occasionally says that she used to be married to someone handsome but that’s it. She doesn’t even remember the love of her life![Ella]She can no longer remember details of her life with Paul. She occasionally says that she used to be married to someone handsome but that’s life![sheShe}cannolongerrememberdetailsofherlifewithPaulShewilloccasionallysaysheusedtobemarriedtosomeonehandsomebutthat’sitShedoesn’tevenre-membertheloveofherlife![She}cannolongerrememberdetailsofherlifewithPaulShewilloccasionallysaysheusedtobemarriedtosomeonehandsomebutthat’sitShedoesn’tevenre-membertheloveofherlife!”[sheShe}cannolongerrememberdetailsofherlifewithPaulShewilloccasionallysaysheusedtobemarriedtosomeonehandsomebutthat’sitShedoesn’tevenre-membertheloveofherlife![She}cannolongerrememberdetailsofherlifewithPaulShewilloccasionallysaysheusedtobemarriedtosomeonehandsomebutthat’sitShedoesn’tevenre-membertheloveofherlife!”

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The source added that Joanne has a hard time acknowledging her daughters and grandchildren: “She hardly talks anymore and hardly ever acknowledges her own daughters or grandchildren. It’s heartbreaking to see her this way.”

Woodward reportedly received treatment at the Alder Geriatric Assessment Center, where he participated in a drug trial to combat his condition. However, the trial failed, worsening her condition. “It’s gone so long that they feel like it’s coming to an end,” the source concluded.

To their credit, Woodward’s children Nell, Melissa, and Claire have been very supportive of their mom, and it can be said that Melissa has put in the most effort. She lives near Joanne in Westport, Connecticut, and helps the health care staff who care for her mother.

In 1985, Joanne deftly played an Alzheimer’s victim, Barbara Wyatt Hollis, in Do you remember love?. Joanne said that her mother had Alzheimer’s and that her performance was “a tribute” to her.

Joanne and Barbara share several similarities: they have access to the best home care, the love of family, and sadly, such crippling loss of memory and identity that they have become shells of who they were.

The Newmans don’t need to worry about resources to care for their mother. Paul Newman left a significant portion of his $600 million fortune to a spousal trust for the benefit of Joanne.

He left Joanne money to take care of herself and withheld state and federal tax payments until after his death. In 2008, the exemption from such taxes was $2 million and has increased to $11.18 million. It was a smart move on Paul’s part, as he saved the estate from paying $9.18 million in taxes.

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