How To Get The Vexcalibur Exotic Glaive In Destiny 2

destiny 2The Vexcalibur Glaive is the newest Exotic weapon that players can shape and modify to their liking. This item was added with the extension LighthouseSeasons of Defiance, the first one coming out in year 6. This is a weird Glaive of Void, designed with a Vex tech approach that makes it look a bit ethereal.

although in destiny 2 Not really complicated, it’s a bit of a mystery to begin with. Therefore, having an instructor available is the best way to start getting Strange Glaive. Of course, it’s a strange weapon that comes with Lighthouse. The player can also obtain the Deterministic Chaos Machine Gun through the “Unfinished” quest. destiny 2For example.

Location of Vexcalibur in Destiny 2

destiny 2The Vexcalibur weapon can be obtained through the quest “//node.ovrd.AVALON//”, but it will not simply be included in the player’s quest list. They first need to unlock it by completing a small puzzle-based side activity. The first step is to go to the Gulch area of ​​the EDZ destination.

Here they need to find and collect six different buttons that look like holograms of Vex blocks. Both are in the canyon area, so if the player finds themselves far away, they should turn around. Players can use the description and map of the Gulch . area destiny 2 The buttons can be found more easily below.

  • Under the bridge at the beginning of the canyon, but above the ground (southwest part of the area).
  • On top of the Cabal device, just north of the first point (southwest part of the area).
  • Nestled among the trees overlooks a large flooded area, almost entirely to the east of the first point (southeast of the area).
  • Right in the middle of the flood zone, among a few fallen trees (central part of the area).
  • To the right of the large cabal gate in the flooded area (north part of the area).
  • Just above the sign leading to Canyonlands (Northeast of the area).
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The Destiny 2 button location is required to unlock the Avalon quest for Vexcalibur Glaive.

The player only needs to go through the cubes which will allow to collect them. These Vex items are available in destiny 2 All of them must be collected within 30 seconds, or they will disappear and the player will have to start collecting them all again.

Once they have collected them all, they should go to the location of the third node and find a well-hidden cave. There, they will find a harmless harpy and can start the “//node.ovrd.AVALON// ” quest, unlock it destiny 2Exotic Sword Vexcalibur.

In the mission “//node.ovrd.AVALON//”, the player will have to face several Vex opponents while also solving several shooting-based puzzles to progress. There will be some challenging encounters along the way, but they are pretty straightforward. Players can watch khaki HD Complete all the tasks below.

The main recommendation is to use a weapon capable of taking down multiple enemies at once, such as the Osteo Striga SMG destiny 2, even the Trinity Ghoul Bow. The final battle is against a variant of Brakion, the classic Hobgoblin-like boss in the game’s Domed Pyramid attack. destiny 2Vexcalibur can be obtained after returning to the war table after the event.

The recommended energy level for the quest “//node.ovrd.AVALON//” is 1800, so players should be fully prepared before attempting to claim destiny 2Vexcalibur. It can be done individually or in groups. Players will be able to start this quest from the EDZ map via an icon when the initial prompt from Harpy in the Canyon appears. This is because it is a repeatable operation. However, that doesn’t mean players will get multiple copies of weapons.

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Upgrading Vexcalibur in Destiny 2

Two copies of Vexcalibur Exotic Glaive for Destiny 2.

instead of in destiny 2players will be able to complete weekly missions for the Catalyst. It will work like destiny 2Revision Zero Exotic Pulse Rifle did just that in Season of the Seraphim. Players will receive an additional challenge prompt and must return to the quest “//node.ovrd.AVALON//” to complete specific objectives and earn Catalysts. These Catalysts will change the way Vexcalibur Glaives play.

Players should check out each new catalyst they can get for their weapon weekly. Alternatively, they can stack events and complete them with one or two “//node.ovrd.AVALON//” quest runs later in the challenge season.

Anyway, with Vexcalibur destiny 2 is a good choice as it is a good weapon. Unfortunately it doesn’t match the mighty Winterbite, another Exotic Glaive has been added destiny 2belong to Lighthouse expansion.

Source: KackisHD

  • Fate game poster 2 destiny 2

    Franchise: Fate

    Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Microsoft Windows, Stadia

    Release time: 2017-09-08

    Developer: Bungie

    Publisher: Activision, Bungie

    Genre: Science Fiction, Action

    Multiplayer: Online Co-op, Online Multiplayer

    Engine: Bungie’s Exclusive Engine


    Expansions: Forsaken, Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, The Witch Queen, Light Fall

    Prequel: Fate

    Mode: Multiplayer

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