How to Cure Sickness in DayZ

exist Day ZAll players should always be aware of diseases they may have, and the symptoms and activities associated with them. Day Z There are a number of diseases that can make players sick, ranging from simple problems like the common cold to serious problems like hemolytic reactions. Fortunately, most diseases and ailments Day Z There is a cure, but unfortunately, in real survival game fashion, there are some diseases Day Z Completely disable player recovery.

DayZ disease you can cure

  • Cholera: Cholera is treated by taking tetracycline pills after drinking contaminated water and vomiting.
  • Cold: due to low body temperature, in DayZ Heavy rain or from other survivors’ outdoor areas. Symptoms include sneezing and coughing and require tetracycline medication to heal.
  • Chemical poisoning: Occurs after drinking alcohol, gasoline, or disinfectant sprays. Symptoms include dehydration and blood loss, which can be cured with charcoal tablets.
  • Heart Attack: A heart attack occurs in Day Z After rapid blood loss or severe shock, it can lead to loss of consciousness, deterioration of health and even death. Heart attack treatment Day Z Use an epinephrine auto-injector.
  • Influenza: Developed by hypothermia, prolonged exposure to rain or other survivors. Symptoms include sneezing and coughing and require tetracycline medication to heal.
  • Samonella: in Day ZSalmonella poisoning can occur after eating raw or raw meat and requires charcoal tablets to treat.

DayZ disease you cannot cure

A DayZ player walks on a road full of abandoned vehicles

  • Encephalopathy: Encephalopathy caused by players eating each other, symptoms are uncontrollable laughter and random swaying. Random shocks make it harder to aim weapons sky, The effects of the brain disease are permanent until the player respawns as a new character.
  • Hemolytic reactions: Hemolytic reactions occur in Day Z After receiving blood that is not compatible with the player’s blood type and causes blood loss, health damage. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure Day Z
  • Day Z There is nothing to lose when you are sick, that’s why this is one of the best survival games. Any disease can cause death Day Zespecially for first time or respawned players.
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Healing items and methods of treating diseases in DayZ

DayZ players look at the town

To better understand rehabilitation and treatment in sky, Players should try to keep in mind the different types of healing items and their uses. For example, bandages are used to heal wounds and bleeding more effectively than using rags, but the player can restore blood loss in a variety of ways. If the player eats and rehydrates in moderation Day Zand over time, they will start to heal. However, those who wish to heal faster, such as when hunting sky, Blood collection kits, IV starter kits, saline bags, and even blood test kits will be required. Here are all the healing items Day Z and what they are used for:

Section Name

used as



chlorine tablets


Disinfectant spray




blood bag set

Medical equipment

blood test kit

Medical equipment

first aid bag

Medical equipment

warmer hands

Medical equipment

IV starter

Medical equipment

medical thermometer

Medical equipment

salt water bag

Medical equipment

coal chips


tetracycline drug


codeine drug

pain relief

Morphine Auto Injection Machine

pain relief

multivitamin tablets


dust mask

protective equipment

surgical gloves

protective equipment

surgical mask

protective equipment



IV blood bag




epinephrine auto-injector


PO-X Antidote


saline bag IV




In addition, each of these resources can be difficult to collect. Most medical supplies are used to treat diseases Day Z Can be found in towns with hospitals or other medical buildings, as well as from other buildings near these locations, and is sometimes looted from corpses in the same area. Of course, players who seem well equipped can also have these items, but hunting down other players while sick can turn out to be a fatal mistake.

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Medical item list source: DayZ Wiki

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