Horoscope for February 18 to 24: Weighing the scales

Madame Miranda’s posts are written by M. Davis-McAfee and are based on the motivations behind each zodiac sign, as described on astrology.com, and the position of the celestial bodies mapped by theplanetstoday.com. While we appreciate the self-reflection that astrology can inspire, our horoscopes are for entertainment purposes only.

This week, the Moon turns further into the light of the Sun as it moves toward a powerful cosmic alignment that will lock into place on Saturday. The Moon, Sun and Mercury are single file across the cosmos, urging our emotional and selfish selves to put aside their differences and communicate.

Thanks to the particular placement of these celestial bodies on the cusp of four separate Zodiac Houses, we will undoubtedly feel this stellar alignment in multiple areas of our lives. Get ready to make tough decisions this week, including prioritizing your public image or your relationship with yourself and choosing between the delayed gratification of work and the well-deserved satisfaction of rest.

How will your poster do this week?

Breaking up is a natural process of life, as is the confusion and pain that accompanies it. The more knowledge you have about your own life path, the less disorienting this transition will be. Going into this redirection without knowing where exactly you’re going won’t do anything to stabilize this ship, Aries.

An opportunity for serious self-reflection will present later this week. Will you have the courage to stand in front of the metaphorical mirror when the time comes? Rest assured, the reflection will remain the same whether you look at it or not. Avoiding the inevitable will only muddy the waters and make it harder to get through.

As tempting as a well-deserved break may be, the cosmos urges you to keep going. Beware of the illusion of time that a little success can create. You haven’t worked so hard and for so long only to quit the moment things start to accelerate. Your progress is one thing, but momentum is another, more complicated concept.

Surely you already know that this is not the most comfortable option. On the contrary, it would be much easier to sit back and savor the fruits of your labor as soon as they appear. But why not wait until the fruit is a little riper and sweeter? The extra wait will make these fights seem even more worthwhile, Taurus.

The universe calls you to the scales this week, Gemini. It’s time to weigh the benefits and risks of the various relationships and responsibilities in your life. How much does extra luggage cost? Alternatively, what burden is starting to become too heavy to bear? Your people-pleasing tendencies will probably make it doubly difficult for you to honestly prioritize.

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Still, the stars urge you to try. The decisions you make early in the week will come to a head this weekend, when Saturday’s Full Moon illuminates four doors: reputation, legacy, pleasure, and work. Unfortunately, there is no way forward where all four categories receive your full attention. It’s time for you to choose.

What might have worked to calm your emotions five years ago may no longer be the most effective method, Cancer. This is not a sign that you have become deficient; It is the tactics themselves that have lost their vigor. Stop blaming yourself. That your needs change is a sign of growth, not regression. You owe it to yourself to adapt accordingly.

These adjustments could appear as difficult conversations with a loved one or financial setbacks in certain areas. And in fact, making these changes can be a difficult and uncomfortable process. However, the stars urge you to try. You don’t want to miss the clarity that awaits you on the other side of this obstacle.

Passion is not always synonymous with precision, Leo. Be careful not to underestimate your own mind’s ability to throw you off course. The things we are most passionate about are not always the most correct. The stars urge you to maintain strict control over your emotions this week. There’s no point in starting fires that you’ll have to put out later.

Identifying the line between an appropriate reaction and an excessive bout of paranoia can be nearly impossible when you’re in the heat of the moment. But you shouldn’t sit back and wait for the telltale glow of hindsight to appear. This situation requires you to think quickly. The goal of the game this week is to act, not react.

Looking at any degree of life’s pleasures for too long will inevitably make you sour, Virgo. Ultimately, toxicity will reveal itself regardless of what we do to delay or catalyze that process. Constantly preparing and anticipating these revelations is a waste of time. All you are doing is ensuring that you are more exhausted and ill-equipped to handle these changes when they occur.

Instead of wasting time looking for weeds, enjoy the flowers while they’re here. There will be plenty of time to focus and work. And when that time comes, you’ll wish you’d had more time to bask in the fleeting rays of ignorant bliss. You can savor the present without becoming so naïve as to assume it will never change.

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You can’t change what’s already happened to you, Libra. But you may be able to change what willpower pass it on to someone else. Don’t let this pain from the past be in vain. You have an incredible opportunity to help others learn from your mistakes. While it’s true that you may not have deserved the mistreatment you suffered, that doesn’t mean other people do.

As they say, an eye for an eye blinds the whole world, Libra. The sooner you release your pride and recognize the benefits of paying it forward, the happier you will be. Holding on to your pain is not the adaptive protection you think it is. It only weighs you down and makes you more susceptible to more difficulties in the future.

A reputation can take years to build and mere seconds to crumble. Such delicate ideals should not be left to chance in the hands of fate, Scorpio. It is up to you to ensure that there is no room for misinterpretation. Our words and actions are no longer fully our own once we release them into the world. You would be wise to exercise what little control you have while you can.

Clear and open communication is key. After a certain point, you can’t decide what another person can believe or not. But you could also take the opportunity to present your case as best as possible. Sometimes knowing that we did our best is the only kind of closure we receive. Be careful not to fool yourself.

An overactive imagination is a blessing and a curse, Sagittarius. On the one hand, constantly focusing on what could be ahead and upward is a useful way to find and seize new opportunities for success. But on the other hand, this future-oriented perspective has a way of dulling the colors of the present around you.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to pursue more happiness, success, or both. But if you never take the time to recognize what you already possess, then no amount of either will be enough to satisfy you. Take some time this week to appreciate what’s already here before jumping into the next best thing.

Your inner environment does not depend on anyone but yours, Cap. The foundation of your own being—your relationship with yourself, your immediate family, and your connection to your home—is yours alone to determine. While there is nothing wrong with seeking outside advice, even the most trusted confidant won’t be able to make decisions for you.

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This week offers ample opportunities to practice trusting your instincts. Stop thinking about what others might want you to do and start thinking about what you want to do. The world is already plagued enough with lawsuits. Give yourself the grace to have at least a small part of your life free of such restricted criticism.

While it is true that social circles tend to cluster around shared interests and communication styles, this is not always the case. Think about the closest friendships in your life. Do you feel like you’re investing the same amount of time and attention into these connections as they are? Consider who most of your conversations focus on. Are both sides seen and heard equally?

A one-sided statement is not enough to keep a relationship sustainable, Aquarius. Life is about compromise, and no, that compromise doesn’t always mean everyone else aligns with what you want. Even if you feel like you’ve drawn the shortest straw of the bunch on this particular issue, there are many more opportunities to level the playing field.

Reinvention is good up to a point, after which it veers dangerously close to escapism. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to explore and learn more about the world around you, it can become problematic when your intention in doing so is to distract yourself or avoid certain obligations that existed before your latest new endeavor.

Unfortunately, no one else can help you identify where you should draw that line. Only you know deep in your heart whether you are pursuing these passions out of joy or fear. Why waste valuable curiosity by contaminating it with anxiety and stress? Take care of what is right in front of you. There will be plenty of time to explore later.

Categories: Biography
Source: vcmp.edu.vn

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