Harry Potter 5 Wrongly Cut Dumbledore’s Order Of The Phoenix Confession

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Dumbledore admits to making some mistakes in the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix books – but the movie makes him seem more ruthless.

inside harry potter and the Phoenix In the book, Dumbledore admits why he ignored Harry all year, but the movie doesn’t mention it. This omission means a completely different cinematic version of Albus Dumbledore, as many of his decisions and actions are unexplained. Harry Potter Books do a more thorough job of supporting his choices—whether they work or not.

harry potter and the Phoenix Famously, this was Harry’s most anxious year, and Dumbledore’s insistence on keeping him in quarantine didn’t help. In the first place, the summer after Cedric Diggory’s death Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireAfterwards, Harry feels trapped in Dursley’s house, oblivious to what is going on in the wizarding world. Even after finally being taken to Grimmauld Square and back to Hogwarts, Dumbledore even refused to look at Harry, much to his dismay. However, there is a reason for Dumbledore’s behavior that the film does not address at all.

The movie doesn’t explain Dumbledore avoiding Harry for fear of spying on Voldemort

Display composite images of Dumbledore and Harry Potter.

inside Order of the Phoenix In the film, after Sirius Black dies at the Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore tells Harry that he is afraid Voldemort will use his connections to harm. It is implied that Dumbledore is only concerned for Harry’s well-being, but the book shows that is not entirely true.exist Order of the Phoenix In Chapter 37, Dumbledore tells Harry that he was worried that Voldemort would control him and allow him to infiltrate the Order of the Phoenix as a spy and get close to Dumbledore.

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By keeping his distance, Dumbledore ensured that Voldemort would never find out that he had a closer relationship with Harry than both the principal and the average student. Also, it means that Voldemort never took any risk in getting information through Harry. Ultimately, the great benefit of staying away was that if Voldemort used the boy to attack the Headmaster, he would never be able to force Dumbledore to choose between Harry’s life and his own.

Dumbledore knew that Voldemort could never fully control Harry Potter

Harry Potter possessed by Voldemort

When Voldemort Appeared At The Ministry of Magic Order of the Phoenix, he tried to possess Harry, just as Dumbledore had feared. The Dark Lord had hoped to force Dumbledore to kill Harry in an attempt to kill Dark Lord Voldemort. Of course, it didn’t turn out the way he intended. Harry’s grief over Sirius’ death can only be experienced by those who love someone deeply. It was something Voldemort could never understand, and when he possessed Harry, the pain was unbearable.

Dumbledore realized he was wrong to think that Voldemort could have complete control over Harry. Although the Dark Lord received protection from Lily when he reincarnated in his body, he still doesn’t understand love – and Harry understands love above average. Lily Potter’s sacrifice ensures that Harry is a force to be reckoned with in this respect, something Voldemort cannot overcome. Throughout the year, Dumbledore suffered by ignoring Harry, all because he underestimated the power he held dear.

Dumbledore’s Book It’s Easier to Admit His Mistakes

Dumbledore raises his wand in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

this Harry Potter The film doesn’t have time for less important explanations, so Dumbledore’s motivations for ruthless actions are often overlooked. Order of the Phoenix In the film, Dumbledore ignores Harry during his trial at the Ministry of Magic, when Professor Trelawney is sacked at Hogwarts, and even in his office after Arthur Weasley’s attack. Harry’s isolation and depression force him to make reckless decisions, such as going to the Ministry of Magic to save Sirius, which would not have happened if the Headmaster had been guiding his students. However, he never apologized.

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This is not the case Order of the Phoenix Book. When Harry arrived at the Ministry, Dumbledore realized he had made a terrible mistake. Not only was isolating Harry a bad idea, but Dumbledore’s forcing Sirius Black to stay in Grimmauld Square only ensured that the man would leave as soon as he had the chance. In the end, it would be foolish to believe that Severus Snape would teach Harry something as important as the Secret Retreat (based on their history). Harry Potter The book, he apologizes to Harry emotionally, shows genuine remorse. This adds a human moment to the character that helps build his personality — something the movie adaptations have missed.

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