Gundam Evolution: Sazabi Unit Beginner’s Guide (Tips, Tricks, and Strategies)

Neo Zeon’s masterpiece, Mobile Suit MSN-04 Sazabi appears Gundam Evolution With its brilliant Newtype design, as a massive unit, it can fit anywhere on the team in the first-person shooter Bandai Namco Heroes. Stylish Sazabi excels at close quarters, while its tank-focused gameplay aids allies’ mobile suits as they strike dangerous target points on the battlefield. For players looking for a focused strategy from one of the most powerful units in Gundam Evolution Season 1, Sazabi is the right choice.

Health and stamina are two important common mechanisms that form the basis of the utility of the mobility suit. Health between units ranges from 800-1400 and Sazabi has the highest health of any Gundam in the game, peaking at 1400. To balance this amazing durability, Sazabi’s size makes it easier to attack and health bars deplete quickly if concentrated. Stamina is measured in meters and will be exhausted when the mobile suit is sprinting, sprinting, or hovering in the air. In general, the more stamina a mobile suit has, the faster it can get in and out of scenes. The caveat to Sazabi is that through the only stamina bar they have, this creates limited mobility, which raises questions about Sazabi’s use as a hero shooter initiator. Gundam Evolution.

A star next to an optional mobile suit indicates the difficulty associated with its gameplay Gundam Evolution. One to four stars marks the range, with one-star mobile suits perfect for beginners and four-star units especially hard to master. The Sazabi unit is listed as a three-star Gundam. Although it has a certain difficulty, it is not very difficult compared to a 4-star mobile suit like the GN-001 Angel Gundam.

Control MSN-04 Sazabi in Gundam Evolution

The most important tools a player can remember while playing as a Sazabi mobile suit are the shield, beam tomahawk, movement acceleration, enemy search and attributes of its powerful G-maneuver. Inner Shield Gundam Evolution They have their own health, protecting the main unit’s health from damage until it is destroyed. With a knockback, such as the RX-75 Guntank, there is actually a direct counterattack with the shield. Gundam Evolution, or shield destruction options from units like the RX-78-2 Gundam. Players using Sazabi should be aware of these threats as they become more familiar with Sazabi’s shield and make best use of it.

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Destroy enemy Gundam with Beam Rifle and Beam Tomahawk

Gundam Evolution Sazabi Mobile Suit and G-Manuever game perspective screen interface

The Sazabi’s main firepower is the beam rifle, which functions like a shotgun and fires in salvos, dealing more damage at close range. The rifle’s blast is capable of wiping out almost half the health of most mobile suits with a single shot to the head, and each shot has just the right range to provide allies with good coverage. Not as subtle as another unit that is more like a spy Fortress Team 2 safe in Gundam Evolution, Sazabi alternates fire inputs with rifles, concentrating shots into a more concentrated distribution that deals massive damage to nearby units. It’s much easier to aim this way, and players who balance the low ammo count of their beam rifles before reloading in both firing modes will be able to neutralize the opponent’s Gundam with ease.

Perhaps the most complex tool in Sazabi’s toolkit, the beam tomahawk is a slow-motion projectile that travels in an angled arc and stays on the surface for a period of time. If the player attacks an enemy’s Gundam with a Tomahawk, it will stun the hit Mobile Suit, causing Sazabi or his allies to deal great trailing damage. The Tomahawk can also break shields, which is an ironic counterpoint to the opponent’s Sazabi army and the player can use it to disrupt enemy formations from the front. Great abilities are always useful, such as some units unlocked by earning capital Gundam Evolution.

Use enemy search and navigation enhancements to find and destroy

Gundam Evolution Units Season 1 Trivia

Sazabi’s Enemy Finder’s operability is a tool many players forget, it locks onto enemy units and tracks their movements behind walls for a short period of time. The activation time is short and the skill may not be as effective as other mobile suits that use the skill as a G move, but knowing where the enemy team is at any given time is much better than having no sign. Players who combine enemy hunting with stamina-related sprint mechanics or the stun effect of tomahawk rays can hunt down enemies before they run away. These other small utilities exist on the individual units that make up Gundam Evolution impressive guardShooting game style.

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Homing Boost temporarily removes one of Sazabi’s major weaknesses, mobility. When the player locks onto a friendly mobile suit or throws a beam tomahawk, a prompt to enter this trigger will appear. In range, Sazabi will dash forward with incredible momentum for his size, dashing towards allies or weapons without consuming any health. No matter where he is, Sazabi will instantly take himself as far as he can, putting himself in perfect range for a cluster rifle or soaring through the air with an upward tomahawk to reach a team in need.

Divide and conquer by funnel

Evolve Gundam MSN-04 Sazabi

Once Sazabi reaches the maximum percentage of his ultimate ability (G-Manuever), the player will require assistance from many of Sazabi’s accessories, as seen in the Gundam Unit trailer Gundam Evolution. These drones automatically target enemy Gundams seen by Sazabi, firing beams over a wide area in G maneuvers. The funnel targets multiple enemies at once, acting as a deterrent, preventing opponents from approaching Sazabi for fear that the funnel will provide more firepower to them. Overcoming Sazabi’s natural weakness of limited mobility and taking advantage of close-range damage or an incredible amount of assists is an essential strategy for players looking to take control of Char’s iconic mobile suit in the game. Gundam Evolution.

  • Gundam Evolution

    Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, PC

    Release time: December 31, 2022

    Developer: Bandai Namco Studios

    Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment

    Genre: Free to Play, Massively Multiplayer, First Person Shooter (FPS)

    ESRB: Not yet rated

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