Genshin Impact: How To Defeat The Ruin Grader

Genshin Shock There are many types of enemies that can be difficult for beginners or less equipped players, one of which is Ruin Grader. These enemies have high damage and can be lethal to gullible players. Players should know what to expect before trying to take down these giants. This is how to defeat Ruin Grader Genshin Shock.

Added with Dragonspine in Genshin ShockIn version 1.2, the Ruin Graders were elite foes that posed a greater threat than their more conventional cousins, the Ruin Guards. They deal more damage, have a wider range, and have higher HP. These enemies are distinguished from the Guardians of the Ruins by their larger size and the addition of a pale white and yellowish color to the palette, while the Guardians of the Ruins are mostly dark brown.

Ruined student Genshin Shock Drop the same rewards as Relic Guardians, namely Chaos Device (Green), Chaos Circuit (Blue) and Chaos Core (Purple) weapon materials, as well as some Artifacts. So if players need to farm these ingredients to upgrade some of their weapons, it’s well worth adding them to the player’s route. Genshin Shock. There are several on the map, but they are only found on Dragonspine and Inazuma.

Ruin Grader Weakness in Genshin Impact and how to fix it

Ruined student Genshin Shock There are some basic attacks similar to Relic Guardian: stomping and clapping in front of it. These problems can be easily avoided by moving or sprinting (i-frame) in the animation. This enemy also has a similar spin attack, where the Ruin Grader will quickly rotate its arms to chase the player. This attack deals a lot of damage if the player is caught in the animation, so they’d better keep their distance. However, Ruin Grader has some new attacks that are different from Ruin Guards Genshin Shock.

One of these attacks is an attack, in which Ruin Grader drops his hand and attacks the player, dealing massive damage. This can simply be omitted to avoid. Ruin Grader is also capable of using a laser beam and performing two attacks. One is a focused laser that chases the player, and the other is a Ruin Grader that scans the laser around it. The focused laser simply runs away and the player can move out of the laser’s scanning range. Ruin Grader can also leave orbs on the ground that deal damage if passed.

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The best way to take down Ruin Grader is to hit its weak point to stun it. Ruin Grader has three weak points: its eyes and one on each leg. in battle Genshin Shock, these weak points will occasionally glow yellow, which means they are vulnerable and can be attacked. When hitting a weak spot for the first time, Ruin Grader will be interrupted, stopping all attack animations. When hitting the weak spot a second time, Ruin Grader will be stunned and fall to the ground, leaving a large space for the player to comfortably deal damage.

In the beginning, ruin destroyers are difficult to take down, but as players have a knack for attacking weak areas, they will be able to defeat them with ease. Players should remember to take advantage of other mechanics, such as characters with taunts (such as Amber’s elemental ability). Genshin Shock) to get the Ruins Leveler’s attention, or use the Freeze Group to keep the Ruins Leveler in place. Either of these two methods will make dismantling the Ruin Grader easy Genshin Shock.

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