FFXIV Endwalker: How to Get Astronomy Gear

The new Tomestones of Astronomy have been added to Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker. These are used to purchase the current best equipment in the game, Radiant weapons and armor. While there may be a rush to complete a full set, this armor type will be a staple of the game for most of the expansion’s lifecycle.

Radiant gear is the main arms and armament of the Radz-at-Han forces, the Radiant Host. Players not yet level 90 can glimpse at entire sets by hanging around settlements in Thavnair. While some of the combat stat allocations may not be ideal, others may simply want the armor for their Glamour fashion.

While the base item level 590 gear can be gained by all players, augmenting them up to 600 requires completing Pandaemonium Asphodelos at the Savage difficulty level. As this is currently the hardest content in all of Final Fantasy XIV, it may not be feasible for those that aren’t dedicated raiders. However, alternate methods will open up in later patches like 6.1 and 6.2.

Radiant Equipment in Final Fantasy XIV

Weekly Tomestones of Astronomy in FFXIV can be used to purchase various high-level armor, accessories, and weapons. Presently, 450 can be collected each week – resetting every Tuesday at 00:01 Pacific Standard Time. A total cap of 2000 can be held, and any additional will be forfeited. Astronomy can be gained from most level 90 content like dungeons, raids, and trails. It is also rewarded for completing Duty Roulettes as a level 90 job, including Final Fantasy XIV PvP matches like Rival Wings.

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Armor and Shields

Armor, accessories, and Paladin shields can be purchased immediately without additional steps. They can be bought via the merchant Cihanti in Radz-at-Han (x: 10.8, y: 10.4). Because of the prices, several items like body and leg armor will take two weeks’ worth of Astronomy to afford.

  • Paladin Radiant Shield: 150 Astronomy
  • Radiant Helms/Masks/Visors: 495 Astronomy
  • Radiant Mail: 825 Astronomy
  • Radiant Gauntlets/Gloves: 495 Astronomy
  • Radiant Cuisses/Hose: 825 Astronomy
  • Radiant Sabatons/Greaves: 495 Astronomy
  • Radiant Accessories: 375 Astronomy each (x4, as two of the same ring cannot be worn)


To gain Radiant Weapons players will need a further token, the Discal Tomestone. This can be earned in one of two ways. The first is completing Pandaemonium Asphodelos The Second Circle Savage, which will always drop a single Discal Tomestone. However, this counts towards the weekly lot limit so players will become ineligible for directly gaining armor for that run. An alternate method is by clearing Pandaemonium Asphodelos The Fourth Circle Normal seven times. Each week, this raid will drop a single Unsung Blade of Asphodelos. Trading all seven of these to Djole in Radz-at-Han (x: 10.3, y: 9.6) will grant a single Discal Tomestone.

Besides the Discal Tomestone, Cihanti will need an additional 350 Astronomy for the Paladin Sword and 500 for all other weapons. In total, players will need 5135 Astronomy to complete a Radiant equipment set. As this will take a minimum of three months of playtime, it is recommended to supplement gear with other Final Fantasy XIV options like trials, dungeons, and crafted items.

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Radiant Upgrades in Final Fantasy XIV

Level 90 dungeon for Tomestones in Final Fantasy 14

All Radiant equipment in FFXIV can be further enhanced with special items from Asphodelos Savage. Each accessory can be upgraded via Radiant Coating dropped from Pandaemonium Asphodelos The Second Circle Savage; while Radiant Twine form armor and Radiant Roborant for weapons are from Pandaemonium Asphodelos The Fourth Circle. Only one can be gained from the respective fight each week, and the whole party must draw lots against each other to earn it.

Additionally, each floor of Asphodelos Savage will automatically give every player an Asphodelos Mythos Volume. Djole will trade accept these Mythos for various items, including Astronomy upgrade items. Four Mythos II can buy a Radiant Coating, and four Mythos III can do the same for Radiant Twine or Radiant Roborant.

While such items may be currently unobtainable by large portions of the Final Fantasy XIV player base, this will eventually change. In the past, patch updates also allowed Tomestone related items to be earned from Elite Hunt marks, completion of 24-man raids, and direct spending of Tomestones. All of these will slowly roll out over the next few months and make Astronomy gear more common.

Final Fantasy XIV is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5.

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